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I'm absolutely furious beyond belief.

For the 3rd time this month there is the biggest pile of dog poo on my front garden lawn and this time I couldn't stop my 2 year old from running through it with her baby's buggy - so now she got it in her crocks between her toes up her legs and all over the wheels and frame of her toy buggy!

It bloody stinks!

I am so pissed off. Who in their right mind would let a dog crap in someones garden?? You can see that a child lives there too. It beggars belief it really does.

What can I do?? I want to get CCTV to catch the bugger but hubby says I can't do that... I can and will if it happens again. I will find out who it is track them down and shove their dogs shit through their letterbox!

Sorry I just needed to vent after cleaning up and I can still smell it now!


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Originally posted by Lazybug:
I'm absolutely furious beyond belief.

For the 3rd time this month there is the biggest pile of dog poo on my front garden lawn and this time I couldn't stop my 2 year old from running through it with her baby's buggy - so now she got it in her crocks between her toes up her legs and all over the wheels and frame of her toy buggy!

It bloody stinks!

I am so pissed off. Who in their right mind would let a dog crap in someones garden?? You can see that a child lives there too. It beggars belief it really does.

What can I do?? I want to get CCTV to catch the bugger but hubby says I can't do that... I can and will if it happens again. I will find out who it is track them down and shove their dogs shit through their letterbox!

Sorry I just needed to vent after cleaning up and I can still smell it now!


Totally sympathise with you - if anything gets me really mad, its people who don`t pick up their dog`s s h i t - I cannot understand their mentality and whatever is going through their mind - its got to be an aggressive act on their behalf.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
It could be a stray dog or even a fox

We have a fox that does the most horendous piles just at the top of our path we have put all sorts down to try and stop it but we have to be careful as we have two dogs of our own.

They have been trained to do what they need to do in the yard at home we very rarely have to clean up whilst we are out
I want to get CCTV to catch the bugger but hubby says I can't do that...

Yes you can. Allowing your dog to foul is against the bylaws most councils have in place.
If you have evidence to show the Environmental Health Dept whose pooch it is, the owner can be prosecuted for failing to clear up after it. And if the dog was out alone at the time, for failing to control it.
Originally posted by kasper:
It could be a stray dog or even a fox

We have a fox that does the most horendous piles just at the top of our path we have put all sorts down to try and stop it but we have to be careful as we have two dogs of our own.

They have been trained to do what they need to do in the yard at home we very rarely have to clean up whilst we are out
Its definitely not fox poo and we don't have strays round here (or at least I don't think we do) Ive never seen any.
Originally posted by Demantoid:
I want to get CCTV to catch the bugger but hubby says I can't do that...

Yes you can. Allowing your dog to foul is against the bylaws most councils have in place.
If you have evidence to show the Environmental Health Dept whose pooch it is, the owner can be prosecuted for failing to clear up after it. And if the dog was out alone at the time, for failing to control it.
I will get evidence - It's my mission now!
Ladybug, I spoke to the Community person at my local police station and they gave me the phone number of Neighbourhood Watch, it's amazing what goes on without having to have signs up. You may not need to do it yourself, someone may have something going on already that can help.
I use an old VCR and have tapes going from 18.00/06.00, rigged up a cam and a light that triggers and bob's yer uncle.
Originally posted by Sunnie:
Ladybug, I spoke to the Community person at my local police station and they gave me the phone number of Neighbourhood Watch, it's amazing what goes on without having to have signs up. You may not need to do it yourself, someone may have something going on already that can help.
I use an old VCR and have tapes going from 18.00/06.00, rigged up a cam and a light that triggers and bob's yer uncle.
Wow thanks Sunnie Valentine

I'll see what I can do. I'm just so cross and I need to do something while my anger still boils as you know what it's like after a while...

God help doggy doo doo person - I'm gonna get you if its the last thing I ever do!
The chap across the road from me puts a big ring of luminous yellow paint around the dog poo in the lane near his back drive, with an arrow saying 'i know who you are' trouble is we're in the country and that lane is full of poo, dog poo, horse poo, deer poo, cat poo , fox poo, should be called poo alley really. Glance
I agree it's awful to have to clear it up from your little girls toys and such, I hope you find out who is letting their dog do it.

I have dogs and always clear up after them if they poo while we're out in public places, and I would never even let them go in someone's garden Shake Head
Originally posted by Heartache:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
I trod in my cat's poo in the garden the other day, in my lovely pink fluffy slippers and then walked it all through the house Mad

What about cat sick inside the house, and nothing on your feet. Eeker

Oh that has happened to me a few times, along with the remains of a dead mouse Eeker Sick
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Lazybug, there is a little gadget on the market that you can buy which lets out a sonic type noise that scares cats and dogs away from your garden, but humans cannot hear the noise it makes. You can just stick it in the soil/grass in your garden. I got mine from B & Q and it does work.
Cool thanks for the info - I will go and have a look for one because I can't cope with that happening anymore...

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