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My friend was driving down the road on Sunday when her airbag exploded for no reason at all. She didn't hit anything, she didn't drive over anything. The AA man checked the road and he didn't see anything she could have hit. She has took it to her dealership as the car is only 1 year old and still under warranty.

The dealership have now got back to her and said that the data shows she had an impact and they have cleaned up her tyres and sent her a picture of an old chip on her alloy that they say is to blame. The chip happened months ago and she tried to get it replaced with the dealership at the time but they were useless and she gave up in the end. The chip was dirty when she took it in but they have cleaned it up and are trying to pass it off as new.

Does anyone know how she can go about fighting this? They are adamant she needs to phone her insurance but she hasn't done anything wrong. Who can we ring, can she get a second opinion, will going to a solicitor help, an ombudsman of some sort.

Any help gratefully received x

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The data will probably show an impact. The computer flicked it's switch to deploy the airbag so that's not surprising.

I'd get in contact with the AA and see if she can get a copy of the report made by the guy who attended the vehicle. Also check out if they would be happy to make a statement to the effect that there was no collision as far as they could see.

Make sure she takes photos (date stamped) of her car to show no collision damage.. just incase.

Do some checking about on the internet and see if there is any other reports of this happening to this particular make, model and year of car.

Then go onto the makers website and get in contact with their customer services... see what happens from there.
Originally posted by Amythist:
If I ever get a problem with any organisation that doesnt do what it should I write to Watchdog,Trading Standards ,my MP and any other relevant body.Then I go back to the organisation in question and tell them that I have Watchdog ,MP etc on board and they tend to do exactly what I want after that.

Good advice Amythist. I was going to suggest Trading Standards but the threat of Watchdog could be very helpful.
Thanks all.

We will get back in touch with the AA. She didn't take pictures before it went to the garage which of course she now regrets.

We checked internet and although her make/model was recalled in 2002 for premature triggering of airbag this was the old model and there doesn't seem to be any recent reports of it.

Thanks we have printed this thread off and she is currently waiting for customer services to ring her back again after another heated phone call this morning.

Next step, Watchdog, MPS etc Valentine
My Friend had a brand new Golf for 2 weeks, she went to a do and whilst she was in there the handbrake failed!!!

It had been parked up for over an hour and all of a sudden it just rolled down the hill and wrote itself off, the dealership are also doing everything they can NOT to accept responsibility!!!

A few people who were outside smoking at the time saw it happen.

They are arseholes!
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by Lindsxdx:
Grrrr, big companies lke that! Suppose they can't just admit that sometimes their products are not safe and faults happen. Oh, a brand new Golf Frowner All that money, its makes me so mad Mad

Top of the range as well it was, with all the extras....that was weeks & weeks ago, and they still won't admit any i shall follow this thread and let her know what you all have to say...

...I hope your Friend doesn't give up linds...they will do anything to pass the buck...
The Devil In Diamante
My daughter had trouble with her brand new Fiat. After about 9 months she took it back because the engine was making a 'funny noise'.
The dealer said she needed a new engine and it would cost her ÂĢ10,000 as it was not covered by the warranty.
I told her to contact Trading Standards, she got a new engine within a week from Fiat UK with just one letter from TS. Fiat UK also said they would investigate the dealer.

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