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Yesterday evening at Womad 2010, Cerys Matthews gave her one and only performance this summer. She was in folksinger mode, singing not just songs from Wales but further afield.

This is a link to the BBC iPlayer page for last night's concert. To listen to her segment, move the time pointer to 32 minutes from the start - her segment lasts for just over half an hour before Radio 3 moves on to other performers. Being on BBC iPlayer means that that it will only be available for a few days.

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I love Cerys too, she is my favourite singer and I was sorry to miss her concert when she was in Gloucester earlier this year. She also has a delightful sense of humour which comes out at times during the performance. "The fairies in the trees have come and gremlined the ...pedals"

Last night I was switching between channels when I came to Radio 3 (not a misprint), when for some reason I stopped. I has no idea that she was going to perform, after all Radio 3 is one of the least likely stations for her to perform. But when I realised this, I quickly set up my DVD recorder to record her, so I have this for keeps.
El Loro
I'm a very happy parrot today. My back collection of Cerys Matthew's solo CDs has just arrived. I already had Cockahoop, her first solo album.

Now I have "Never Said Goodbye" which is more pop orientated.

And two wholly Welsh albums:
"Paid Edrych I Lair" which means "Don't Look Down". The cover picture is a picture of Cerys precariously walking on a tightrope.

and "Tir" which means Earth.

This is her most recent and includes "Migldi Magdli" (hei, now, now) which was the one sung at Womad with the audience, but this one is sung with Bryn Terfel.
El Loro
I've now been able to track down 3 video clips on Youtube of Cerys' performance at Womad 2010.

Firstly "The Spider and The Fly" - a love song

Secondly an incomplete extract from "Mulder and Scully"

And thirdly and definitely the best of these 3 clips, "Sospan Fach". This is a traditional Welsh folk song and is all about saucepans  - yes, really
El Loro

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