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so a duno if a told u this but a got me life back on track after layin low for a bit wile the wind blew over me past. a got mesel a job thru a pal of me mates just been a dogs body for a kitchen fitter company but it cud of led to bigger n better things a hoped. anywez last week a got extra risponsabilty coz ad bin doin well not been late or screwin up etc n a got asked if a cud order sum custam made wood for sum doors. so a orderd them n checkd wid me boss before a orderd them phoned him up n comfurmd it wid him...

so today they came n they were tiny. a seen em n thouht or man what am a gona do they tiny a reckond they screwd up not me but the boss blokes sed av orderd them in centameters insted of meters they layd them out smack bang in the middle of massiv table to mek them look even smaller.

they called me stupid n humilyatd me n everything so a pushed a cabinat over n all these files fell on him n he sez am sackd n his pressin charges. frigin hell man just wen a was getin me life back on track a gan n do this. wid my record al prob get locked up.
am thinkin now a mite aswel just give up n accept been a loser for life.
no bird no job no brain just me stella  n ma money wil dry out by next week n al probly be in the nick. soz for the long post ano it cud be worse a cud be the blade runner guy but just fed up man

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Originally Posted by *bubbles*:
no a told boss meters on the phone aparantly so it is me blame.

a mite phone him but a stil feel stupid the doors wer smaller than me hand they wer ment to be huge lol

am fed up man its not just the job its the way a havnt learnd from me past mistakes a shuda just took me tellin off not pushed the cabinat

Say that to your boss he will understand and appreciate you being honest with him ,you have nothing to lose Bubbles.

Originally Posted by *bubbles*:
no a told boss meters on the phone aparantly so it is me blame.

a mite phone him but a stil feel stupid the doors wer smaller than me hand they wer ment to be huge lol

am fed up man its not just the job its the way a havnt learnd from me past mistakes a shuda just took me tellin off not pushed the cabinat

 Oh dear Bubbles... but trust me , we all make mistakes, silly or not.

Originally Posted by *bubbles*:
no a told boss meters on the phone aparantly so it is me blame.

a mite phone him but a stil feel stupid the doors wer smaller than me hand they wer ment to be huge lol

am fed up man its not just the job its the way a havnt learnd from me past mistakes a shuda just took me tellin off not pushed the cabinat

But you have! Admittedly it has taken this further knock back for you to realise it, but by saying the above, you ARE realising it.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
ere saint your a wind up. sorry av had a few stellas but this is a serias thred am not tryin to wind ppl up av done enufa that in me past a just want a decent life a job a bird a car just the normal things.
a got delt the wrong cards in life man. like crap teachers at school n med some mistakes in me life but am only 25 now am tryin to mek suming of mesel n put the past behind me. a come on here coz ppl dont jujge me like the ppl at the job center n the ppl on me mams street.

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