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Originally posted by Getthekettleon:
I liked her at first and thought she was a good contender to win.Now i think she has used Sree, for air time ( even though i hated Sree) and she now does it with Marcus.I dont think she would be happy with the girls, she seems to want to have a man chasing after he like a little lap dog.Just my opinion of course. Nod

I quite agree with your opinion. She is also vain and loves to have the likes of Sree and Marcus fawning all over her telling her how beautiful she is. She would rather have that sort of male attention than no male attention at all.

She was out of her comfort zone with her fake glasses and tache so kept well-hidden and quiet because, as she said: "This is not who I am", meaning, a clown.
I liked her a lot early on but she has been up and down a lot in my opinion. I do think she gets a lot of unreasonable dislike here though. She is not that big a flirt, she likes male attention but is certainly no Sara (BB9)I think she is a typical attractive girl who likes to be friends with men and have them fancy her (a little) but when they get overkeen feels it's mean to just say 'you're not my type, it is'nt going to happen' She drops heavy hints instead, but some men fail to aknowledge these and instead believe they are in with a chance until she is finally forced to be blunt with them!

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