Think she maybe playing people off against each other
quote:Originally posted by fz:
I liked her from the start, perhaps because against the other females she stood out as a non sheep. She also does more than her fair share in the kitchen and doesnt see page 3 as a career move.
Then she nommed freddie and i disowned her a touch.
very well said, and I agree
Now i like her, and want a hunk to enter the house so she gets some eye candy instead of providing it for the rest of the house.
I thought she was okay but when Freddie gave her the gift to remove her glasses she repaid him by nominating him , I just thought she was so ungrateful and selfish when she did that it put me right off her ,I do believe she could turn it around if she kept away from Marcus time will tell 

quote:Originally posted by Mollie:quote:Originally posted by fz:
I liked her from the start, perhaps because against the other females she stood out as a non sheep. She also does more than her fair share in the kitchen and doesnt see page 3 as a career move.
Then she nommed freddie and i disowned her a touch.
Now i like her, and want a hunk to enter the house so she gets some eye candy instead of providing it for the rest of the house.
very well said, and I agree
never liked her, she was a user from day 2 and from week 2 a controling screaming shrew.
With each new layer uncovered she becomes more unpleasant.
Rather nasty, authoritarian type who thinks she adds up to much more than she actually does.
Rather nasty, authoritarian type who thinks she adds up to much more than she actually does.
I didn't like her before Sreegate and don't like her now.
I think she knows she is leading people on. Yes, Sree went way too far but I believe that Noirin should have been straight with him much earlier.
I'm glad she has been straight with Marcus and hope he accepts her decision.
I think she knows she is leading people on. Yes, Sree went way too far but I believe that Noirin should have been straight with him much earlier.
I'm glad she has been straight with Marcus and hope he accepts her decision.
Different week same shit, running to Lisa about Sree fancying her, now its running to Lisa Marcus fancies her. 

At first I found her very boring, then I thought she was ungrateful after she was given normality. Now I think she is a tease.
i would love to do her .... oh yarhhhhhh!
I thought she seemed really nice, at first.
Then she had a drink!
Then she had a drink!

Her idea of "clearing the air", "being honest", "telling it like it is" is not the same as mine.
As it was with Sree, so it is with Marcus.
She admits she doesn`t wantr to come across badly.
As long as her image is more important and she is less than honest to Marcus (or whoever it may be) she will continue to do herself no favours and just get into a bigger mess.
In my opinion it can seem unfair on her part.
She just said "Why do I get dragged into these things".
Dearie me that is not as I see it. You were not dragged Noirin! Far from it.
Yet another BB contestant is low on self-awareness.
As it was with Sree, so it is with Marcus.
She admits she doesn`t wantr to come across badly.
As long as her image is more important and she is less than honest to Marcus (or whoever it may be) she will continue to do herself no favours and just get into a bigger mess.
In my opinion it can seem unfair on her part.
She just said "Why do I get dragged into these things".
Dearie me that is not as I see it. You were not dragged Noirin! Far from it.
Yet another BB contestant is low on self-awareness.
when she first entered the house I thought shes a crackin looking lass, with the personality of a breeze block,
NOW?......I thinnk shes a crackin lookin lass with the personality of a breeze block,
NOW?......I thinnk shes a crackin lookin lass with the personality of a breeze block,

As far as game plans go, I think she's got the strongest, most subtle one. She does the cooking and the cleaning and everyone likes her. And she has everyone falling in love with her, which guarantees her air time.
Lisa's always going on about how Freddie has a gameplan, but honestly, if she weren't ganging up on him all the time, I'm not sure he'd have a gameplan.
The only other gameplan I see is the vote for Freddie, just because it's the obvious thing to do. I don't think Noirin voted for Freddie because she doesn't like him. It's a strategic vote because she knows it's likely he'll get nominated.
So I can respect Noirin for actually having a gameplan. I think it will get her far. But the public sees through her plans, and that's why I don't think she'll win.
Lisa's always going on about how Freddie has a gameplan, but honestly, if she weren't ganging up on him all the time, I'm not sure he'd have a gameplan.
The only other gameplan I see is the vote for Freddie, just because it's the obvious thing to do. I don't think Noirin voted for Freddie because she doesn't like him. It's a strategic vote because she knows it's likely he'll get nominated.
So I can respect Noirin for actually having a gameplan. I think it will get her far. But the public sees through her plans, and that's why I don't think she'll win.
i liked for th first few ays, was then a bit disappointed at her bitching about angel, culminating in the washing up drama, thought that was bit nasty, but then, i do think she's her own person, which i like, i think she dealt with sree effectively in the end, and has set marcus straight, it must be wierd in that environment, when guys get friendly and you're not sure if it's because they like you or because they are gathering alliances, takes a while and in that while it got out of control with sree, but that was his doing,i like her friendship with marcus, the banter and such, so all in all i think she's ok
Noirin is playing the game, but to mess with peoples feelings by doing so, is not a good thing imo.
Neutral about her at first although I preferred her to the tarty twins.
After watching her behaviour with Sree first, then Marcus - ie revving up their engines then turning ice queen - I concluded she's a user and a p***k tease. Reninds me a bit of Sara last year - perhaps that's Noirin's masterplan as it worked for Sara. Who's next - Siavash?
After watching her behaviour with Sree first, then Marcus - ie revving up their engines then turning ice queen - I concluded she's a user and a p***k tease. Reninds me a bit of Sara last year - perhaps that's Noirin's masterplan as it worked for Sara. Who's next - Siavash?
I find her very calculating,not keen on her at all.
I liked her at first then she nominated Freddy after he had given up a birthday present for himself so that she could be rid of the glasses and tash. She then went and nominated him that week.
Ungrateful madam
Ungrateful madam

Former Member
I liked her initially but that soon wore off. I find her lacking in the personality department and think she gives herself more credit than she's worth in many ways. Very up herself and a practised tease.
Is it just me that doesn't see her as a beauty? She's not bad looking at all, but I just can't see 'beauty' there. Or maybe she's one of those people who IS lovely but just doesn't look good for the camera?

Is it just me that doesn't see her as a beauty? She's not bad looking at all, but I just can't see 'beauty' there. Or maybe she's one of those people who IS lovely but just doesn't look good for the camera?

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