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Okay, as some of you know I have recently qualified as a TESOL language teacher.  I'm in the process of looking for jobs, in the South East Asia area of the planet...which has been keeping me busy.


However, as some of you might remember I applied for a job working at Nintendo, in Germany, earlier this year. I didn't hear anything, which led me on to doing the TESOL course.  Now, Nintendo have just gotten back to me and have offered me an interview, in Frankfurt, in within the next week.


I now don't know what to do? Should I forget Nintendo, which could potentially give me a career, or go onto doing teaching in South East Asia... which probably won't lead onto a career?  I suppose if I went to Nintendo, I could always do some teaching on the side, in Germany. But then I wouldn't be in South East Asia, which is somewhere I would love to see.


Say you were me, what would you do? (no gold ties either)


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Blizzie's advice is right Rawky.


But I don't like the idea that they want you to pay for your travel. Is this normal within the industry? I suppose if you question it, they might not like it and that would spoil your chance of getting the job.


Still think a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush etc, so I would go to the Nintendo interview if you can afford it, if only for the experience.

If it were me I'd go for the Nintendo interview, the job isn't guaranteed so you just never know what'll happen. If they do offer you the job you could take it, and if you're not happy, bin it off and go to Asia anyway.. Or like some of the others suggested, you could end up over there whilst working for Nintendo! Trust your instincts and do what's right for you good luck!
~Sparkling Summer~

I'm with the others  


try all openings as they come up -  if you dont do the interview you will always wonder what if ....


I do understand the expenses all of a sudden after your month away training ... you dont have to make a holiday of it or first class all the way ... maybe there are some deals out there at the moment that would help you keep the cost down 


good luck with whatever you decide 




Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

Ooh, its tough. I did have my heart set on teaching abroad, especially South East Asia, but there's always that risk of job security from being a TESOL/TEFL teacher.


I've ordered a Domino's pizza to help me out with my decisions.

Are you playing eeny, meeny miny mo with the topping?

The Nintendo job sounds like it has more prospects, although I do have a friend from Uni who did languages, then TEFL, or TESOL, or whatever it is called these days and has made a reasonable career out of it, has his own language schools etc.

I'd say, follow your heart/dreams Rawky, whatever they may be, you're a young guy, the world is your lobster!


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