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Reference brisket 16 March 2010 at 15:07:
 I'd say 7 points is a good score Kaytee. It is far from easy.
7 points is definitely a good score - it's just one connection away from a complete solve and 2 bonus points. It's perhaps worth remembering that the scoring system is slightly different from the "real game" - in the show, you can get points for identifying connections even if you don't complete the wall; in the online version, you have to complete the wall before you can enter the connections.

I've been a huge fan of the show, and seeing this thread definitely encouraged me to really have a go at the online game (and I'd probably have missed the new 5 walls if they hadn't been mentioned here.) I've now completed all 20 walls, but I can't claim 10 points on all of them. Some of the connections are pretty obscure - if you don't know them, you'll never get them. (I think I found walls 9 and 10 particularly tricky...)
Eugene's Lair
Reference Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing Today at 22:25:
I've looked at the other new ones and they seem even trickier
I agree. I've solved 21, 23 and 24, but I'm really struggling on the other two (I've only managed 1 line between both of them!)

23 is what I call a "kickself" - i.e. you'll kick yourself when you finally get it!
Eugene's Lair
Reference stoory Today at 23:34:
 23 was the only one that was obvious to me.......I solved it instantly. However, I couldn't find a connection between the four that were left by default It's easy when you see the answer though .
That's what I mean by a "kickself". Solving the grid was easy enough, but I was staring at it for ages before the penny dropped and I got the last connection...
Eugene's Lair
El Loro I agree - a very high score by the wqinning team.
At the half-way point I think I would have bet on the other team (the Courtiers) winning.
Moomin. I'm pleased you have tried it.
It's one of those things where you find yourself saying "Just one more go" isn't it? 
And congratulations on completing a wall; they're not easy.

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