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Does anyone buy contact lenses online?  I usually buy mine from my optician but someone told me about a site that sells them for a fraction of the price so I ordered a box and they arrived this morning.  They aren't the same brand as my usual lenses but then the optician switches my brands when a new product comes in so he can make more money off me so I thought I'd give these a go.  A bit worried now though that I should have at least just bought a brand I'm familiar with!

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Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

Ohhh noseyroseie , you shouldn't do that, it will starve your eyes of oxygen. You will get ulcers and all sorts of horrible things.

Ulcers in your eyes! Do they even exist Gypsie? 

I reckon its mostly urban myth. Worn lenses for 20 years and had pinkeye a couple of times with the early ones. The latest ones feel like they let the eyes "breathe" and are much more comfortable.


Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

Ohhh noseyroseie , you shouldn't do that, it will starve your eyes of oxygen. You will get ulcers and all sorts of horrible things.

It doesn't sound good Rosie, if you are wearing them all the time, it might work out cheaper to get the monthly ones? 

When these ones run out I should probably switch to those Saz. But no problems so far. 



Yeah, they really do exist. and if you have pink eyes its because the white of your eye is overcompensating for the lack of oxegyn its getting and trying to get more.


I nearly became a dispensing optician (nearly a v different and boring life) and trust me the things i saw contact lense wearers with made me feel literally sick.  Although im no one to talk i have never gone back for an eye test in years because im too scared. I know what they can find from your eyes and it scares the bejesus out of me.


I have just started trying out lenses and have the daily ones atm. I'm not wearing them every day, but when I do wear them, by the end of the work day I am glad to take them out - my eyes feel dry and sort of tired? I'm maybe just not used to them yet mind you - I just got the toric type (for astigmatism) and the novelty of being able to see without glasses hasn't worn off yet - it's like my eyes work!!


I wear Acuvue Oaysis fortnightly ones. I wear my glasses a few days a week to give my eyes a rest. I also use the Actimist spray to freshen them up sometimes. I have a friend who wears the monthlies and NEVER takes them out. She used to and washed them in tap water.  She ended up with infections in both corneas and had to go 2 weeks without lenses. Drops, antibiotics and all sorts. 


Never bought them online


Ditty that's exactly where I bought them!


They are 'Crystal' dailies and had 82 reviews on site of which 58 were 5 stars.  Considering I usually pay ÂĢ20 a box from the optician and saw these were only ÂĢ7.25 I thought I'd give them a shot.


Have worn them today to go the park with the kids and I have to say they were just as comfortable, if not more so, than my usual.


HOWEVER....I usually only wear my daily lenses for maybe an hour or two maybe twice a week so I take them out and put them in the wee container with fresh solution til I next wear them.  I sometimes do this 2 or 3 times depending on how much I've worn them or the length of time between wears.  Is this REALLY bad for me?  

Originally Posted by SazBomb:

I have just started trying out lenses and have the daily ones atm. I'm not wearing them every day, but when I do wear them, by the end of the work day I am glad to take them out - my eyes feel dry and sort of tired? I'm maybe just not used to them yet mind you - I just got the toric type (for astigmatism) and the novelty of being able to see without glasses hasn't worn off yet - it's like my eyes work!!

My eyes feel tired if I wear mine for more than 4 or so hours.  I only wear them for nights out or if I'm going clothes shopping so a few hours max.  I can't wear them if I'm online coz my eyes get dry and tired so I wear my glasses the majority of the time.

Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

I bought Bausch and Lomb Softlens daily disposable lenses from

I saved money because a pair lasts much longer than a day - several weeks sometimes. They haven't done my eyes any harm. I even leave them in overnight sometimes without problems.

Noooooooo Rosie, you mustn't leave them in overnight and you shouldn't reuse the daily ones.

DiL and son's fiancÃĐe are both managers in opticians and we were chatting about contact lense wearers the other day, who have damaged their eyes. You should never reuse the daily ones, never sleep with the lenses in and should rest your eyes one day per week, by wearing your glasses intead of your lenses.

Last edited by Yogi19
Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

Yeah, they really do exist. and if you have pink eyes its because the white of your eye is overcompensating for the lack of oxegyn its getting and trying to get more.


I nearly became a dispensing optician (nearly a v different and boring life) and trust me the things i saw contact lense wearers with made me feel literally sick.  Although im no one to talk i have never gone back for an eye test in years because im too scared. I know what they can find from your eyes and it scares the bejesus out of me.

Yup! My 9yr old daughter ended up in hospital last summer same day as an eye test, she had an MRI the next day and in then a Lumbar puncture to drain some fluid off


OMG tap water *dies* thats the worst, thats worse than cleaning them with spit! (and ive heard of people doing that too). But theres so much crap in tap water it is worse than spit.


I suppose if you are cleaning them and the total time you are wearing them would add to about a day, ellis then its not too bad.


Jenstar, im glad your daughter was ok. I remember years ago a young bloke (about 19) rolling into the opticians for a routine eye test and leaving 20 mins later with a letter for his doctor. The optician had found something that was untreatable and told him he would be blind within the next few months,  .  But then to balance this I also remember the woman of 80 who came for her first eye test EVER , she needed it for some insurance thing because she was off to some far flung country to climb a mountain .  She honestly looked no older than 50 and was dead trendy.  She left with no prescription and perfect eyesight. ... Made you wonder what she was made of.

Originally Posted by Ells:

Ditty that's exactly where I bought them!


They are 'Crystal' dailies and had 82 reviews on site of which 58 were 5 stars.  Considering I usually pay ÂĢ20 a box from the optician and saw these were only ÂĢ7.25 I thought I'd give them a shot.


Have worn them today to go the park with the kids and I have to say they were just as comfortable, if not more so, than my usual.


HOWEVER....I usually only wear my daily lenses for maybe an hour or two maybe twice a week so I take them out and put them in the wee container with fresh solution til I next wear them.  I sometimes do this 2 or 3 times depending on how much I've worn them or the length of time between wears.  Is this REALLY bad for me?  



oooh spooky... cos I got some freebie Crystal ones with my last order...  I actually have the Crystal ones in now...    They don't seem any different to my normal ones...    I can't feel them & can see fine 



And...   as for the "what you should do & what you shouldn't do"..  I ignore it all..    I wear a pair of dailies for 3, 4 or 5 days at time (without taking them out)...   never had pink eye, or dry eye...  or any of that stuff. 


Unlike when I had monthly lenses from Boots...  and had to take them out & wash them & stuff...  I used to get loads of poxy eye infections then. 


I've never lost a lense. Surely they don't fit properly if they just pop out? 


I was in a nightclub once though when my friend lost one of hers. It was a hard lense (gas permiable or something) and I was like CSI cordoning off the whole area till we found it. Very drunk at the time and so funny now but to me at the time it was serious business. Me and 3 mates on our hands and knees trying to find this tiny thing. We did find it btw. Went to the toilets, she popped it back in and we carried on partying. 


I'm blind as a bat without lenses or glasses. I always went for trendy little frames with thinned lenses because I was told my eyes were too dry for lenses. Then I found a good optician who told me of the different lenses available. Tried them all. Dailies, monthlies, all different brands etc and finally found ones that suited me perfectly. What did I do then? 


Missed my glasses so bought frames with clear glass in them 


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