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I found the footage of them being evacuated very interesting.  They reminded me of a bunch of actors in a play taking a break.  Suddenly they were all just a bunch of people laughing and joking with each other, being told what their next 'scene' would be by the director, then when they went back into the house it was 'lights, camera, action' and they all took up their roles again.
that is spot on Bursar, it was like that  Like of bunch of luvvies looking at the reviews 'Ah, you were mahvellous dahling, a Triumph *mwah mwah*' 
These are quite possibly the most minging house mates in history 

However, I have heard Josie and Mario say thank you but none of the others.  

They (the hms) are quite happy to live in muck and filth and congratulate themselves on any 'surface' cleaning they do   I feel queasy looking at them eat and my dog has better table manners than some of them.  I don't think they saw the irony of the house being flooded and then cleaned by the BB team 
Josie for me manners were worse cleaning the plate off with her fingers then licking them
Ahhhh Marg that's gross,I hate it when folk lick their fingers and make that horrible noise,if I eat a bag of crisps I have to have a tissue or napkin to keep cleaning my fingers,I can't be going with finger licking tbh...Colonel Saunders and his finger licken chicken would love me,not
Reference: LEE
Ahhhh Marg that's gross,I hate it when folk lick their fingers and make that horrible noise,if I eat a bag of crisps I have to have a tissue or napkin to keep cleaning my fingers,I can't be going with finger licking tbh...Colonel Saunders and his finger licken chicken would love me,not
 I remember my brothers g/f now his wife(she is a well respected surgeon ) licking her fingers after eating a packet of crisps and my father & nana nearly had a fit of the vapours. I think it took my sis in law to become a doctor, nay a surgeon, before Nana thought she was good enough for the family.
I remember my brothers g/f now his wife(she is a well respected surgeon ) licking her fingers after eating a packet of crisps and my father & nana nearly had a fit of the vapours. I think it took my sis in law to become a doctor, nay a surgeon, before Nana thought she was good enough for the family.
 aren't Nanas great?
When I was little and found a meal so delicious that I wanted to lick the plate or drink the last dregs from the bowl my mother would say "if you want to behave like that you can go in the kitchen" (we always ate in the dining room) and I would duly go into the kitchen and indulge in the forbidden act out of sight of decent folk.  It occurs to me that these days, and in the BB house, everyone seems to eat in the kitchen, so i suppose there's nowhere to go to be 'disgusting' and table manners don't matter because you're 'only in the kitchen'
I remember my brothers g/f now his wife(she is a well respected surgeon ) licking her fingers after eating a packet of crisps and my father & nana nearly had a fit of the vapours. I think it took my sis in law to become a doctor, nay a surgeon, before Nana thought she was good enough for the family.
I think I'd have got on fine with nana....I was so fussy when my kids were learning how to spoon feed themselves and tbh think I passed on my bit of OCD about clean hands to them,(my grandson is the same poor darlin)....I was terrible making sure they ate with their mouths closed using their knife and fork properly ,same with my grandson but his other granny who has 4 grand-daughters who live locally to her is amazed how well mannered he is at the table as he's only 2.
I was virtually brainwashed [in a good way]  as a kid to never ask for a favour without adding the please and to always say thank you. . it feels weird to not hear it from any of the HM's... it's like their sentence has ended too early cutting off the please..
Same here Mount Olympus.....  My mum always said *good manners don't cost anything*....... something I have passed on to my kids... and they have passed on to the grandkids.
I'm a right stickler for manners in kids. I find it repulsive when you see kids with their mums out shopping and they're spitting on the floor, talking to their mum like dirt and generally being little gobshites. It also grates right on my jacobs when I hear of these little gits on buses who wont offer their seat to elderly or disabled people If EVER I was told my son carried on like that I'd wring his bloody neck (so would his dad)!

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