And tottering towards the rainbow bridge.
Marble (so named because he's small, round and when younger had a marbly black and white coat, although now he's almost all white) is definitely not long for this world. His balance is all wonky, poor little soul.
His brother Coleman died a few weeks ago, so when he goes I'll be down to my last two - Motley and Gray. I know they only live a couple of years, and these are all well past that now, but it still makes me sad, remembering when they were fit and feisty little balls of fluff..
Marble (so named because he's small, round and when younger had a marbly black and white coat, although now he's almost all white) is definitely not long for this world. His balance is all wonky, poor little soul.

His brother Coleman died a few weeks ago, so when he goes I'll be down to my last two - Motley and Gray. I know they only live a couple of years, and these are all well past that now, but it still makes me sad, remembering when they were fit and feisty little balls of fluff..