In addition, why do they then give you the most filthy looks when you A) attempt to stroke them whilst telling them how cute they are, and B) make the slightest hint of wanting to move!
In addition, why do they then give you the most filthy looks when you A) attempt to stroke them whilst telling them how cute they are, and B) make the slightest hint of wanting to move!
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She looks very comfy!
She looks comfy and cute, no wonder she doesn't want to move.
Ok new wondering;
How are they all relaxed like that one minute and then running around the house playing with toys the next?

This is a true fact. She's soooo sweet x
Dogs seem to have great resilience and a will to be happy.
Seldom have i met a mierable dog. Unless they're wearing the 'collar of shame' of course
They even look happy when wearing those disabled trolley.
I seriously want to redesign those lil trolleys to make them better. Dogs deserve it
One dog unhappy - another giggling behind

Ahh y'see . . . a man's best friend is a dog and we cannot share our secrets with you females
Trolley Joy !!!

Look at that mush
happy as larry
My favourite happy dog picture
My dogs never sit on me to get so comfy that I can't get up. I love my 2 to bits but when I want to cuddle with them I get on the floor with them.
I know every dog owner is different but ours are not allowed in the living room, unless invited in when we put their bed in the corner.
That probably sounds awful, but when we are home we spend most of our time in the kitchen, where the dogs have free run.
Cinds, we don't allow Keira onto the furniture, so she would never be up on my lap, but like you, we go down onto the floor to give her a cuddle.
One night, youngest son went onto the floor to give her a cuddle and fell asleep. When his brother went downstairs at 3am to get a glass of water, he was still there, fast asleep and cuddling the dog - needless to say, he was rather tiddly.
Cinds, we don't allow Keira onto the furniture, so she would never be up on my lap, but like you, we go down onto the floor to give her a cuddle.
One night, youngest son went onto the floor to give her a cuddle and fell asleep. When his brother went downstairs at 3am to get a glass of water, he was still there, fast asleep and cuddling the dog - needless to say, he was rather tiddly.
So cute
oh i love cute animal pics
Brave wee dog awww.
While we're on animal stories - pig goes on bender
errmm I'm one of those owners that does let their dog on the furniture but then Milo is the size of a large cat - he don't half flipping grump at me if I disturb him to get up/go loo
cheeky flipping dog
errmm I'm one of those owners that does let their dog on the furniture but then Milo is the size of a large cat - he don't half flipping grump at me if I disturb him to get up/go loo
cheeky flipping dog
Having seen how cute he is, I'd let him up on the sofa too Pengy

I once went all over the house looking for one of my cats that couldn't be found. Looked twice and saw a lump in the bed/under the quilt. I teared it back and shouted so loud! I've never seen a cat move as fast! It knew it shouldn't have been there and thought I wouldn't find it