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...why is it that the 'good' kids aren't?


INNER-city teens were taken on a three-day fishing trip by cops to stop them joining gangs, it emerged yesterday.

Seven Somalian youths went on the taxpayer-funded ÂĢ375 jaunt to a private fishery.

Cops described it as a "positive activity" for the teenagers who live in a gang-infested part of Lewisham, South East London. They caught carp and bream and learnt how to apply for rod licences - but also got know their local officers.

Now cops hope to repeat it for teens from other ethnic backgrounds.

And other forces are interested in the scheme - which could even lead to a fishing competition.

Metropolitan Police Inspector Andy Laurie organised the trip to Berkshire.

He said: "The guys who took part weren't gang members but they live in an area where there are a lot of gangs and they are at risk of joining them." He added: "Engaging them in positive activities, giving them something to focus on and make them realise police are people has to be a good thing."

But the TaxPayers' Alliance said the cost was "inappropriate" in a recession.

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Absolute joke!  And I agree with Croc and Devil..........

At my daughter's school, all the badly behaved and most difficult and disruptive children, got treated to a week in Arthog in June this year, and they got 'special awards' in assembly for 'special achievements'  (like going a whole month without disrupting a class probably!)  amongst other things they totally made up for them, so they could get an award for basically f**k-all!

And what does my daughter get for being good and toe-ing the line and getting a shed load of A grades, going to school every day on time, studying bloody hard for her GCSE's, and turning in every scrap of homework given to her?  Diddly Squat, that's what!!! 

She said to me, (quite sadly...) that sometimes she wonders why she bothers.    I just told her to just do well and get good grades and get a place in uni, and sod everyone else...  But how the blatant 'under-achievers' and naughty kids are rewarded makes me see red!    (Especially when the well behaved kids who try damn hard are not acknowledged, as several people have pointed out here....).

BTW, I am NOT talking about the kids who are slower learners... I mean the ones who are BLATANTLY dispruptive and naughty and who rarely even make any effort.
My oldest used to get really irate about things like that cos he was always top at everything at school, a good attender and never late and he'd moan that some kid got something for sitting on his chair for 5 minutes! He used to think he might as well be a git cos it seems to be the way to get rewarded.

My sentiments excactly Croc    My daughter had also said 'why don't we ALL behave like total bastards?! 

I actually challenged her tutor about this last year, and he admitted that it was to encourage the under achievers and more disruptive children to behave.  I pointed out that the more well behaved children who tried hard, were feeling aggrieved, and left behind, and feeling left out, and he said 'yeah I know.... maybe we should address that...' And that is it.  12 months later; nowt has changed!
Good kids melt away into the background, you walk past them and don't notice their presence. The bad one's stick their fingers up at you get a wagging finger from the police and are told very politely to move along. (must be polite to them now). 
Little gitts should get a kick up the backside. Fishing trips? If  they do wrong put them in the stocks in the main street.. If we did that there would not be so many gangs I can tell you.

Wonder if the other ethnic groups include white Caucasian
And what does my daughter get for being good and toe-ing the line and getting a shed load of A grades, going to school every day on time, studying bloody hard for her GCSE's, and turning in every scrap of homework given to her? Diddly Squat, that's what!!!
Hopefully, a well paid, fulfilling job and a happy life on the outside (of prison)!

Plus self esteem and a longer life expectancy.
But the article doesn't say they are bad kids... its an activity to stop them becoming bad kids. Taking kids from a deprived area and showing them something different.
This is true but in that case it should have been a family outing including the parents as it is the home that all proper of control of children begins not on the streets.

Being deprived does not make you bad.. lack of a proper care does.
Hopefully, a well paid, fulfilling job and a happy life on the outside (of prison)!
but it would be nice to get rewarded for being a good student-instead of bypassed

maybe if the local authorities took the 'good' kids on trips and outings-it might spur the 'wayward' kids to think 'ill have a bit of that thank you' and maybe they would behave-THEN get the reward

thats how it usually works-earn your reward
This is true but in that case it should have been a family outing including the parents as it is the home that all proper of control of children begins not on the streets. Being deprived does not make you bad.. lack of a proper care does.
I think that is a seperate issue, James.

It sound like this trip was designed to give these kids an idea that there is more to life than what they see on their estates, and also to build up some trust between them and the police.

I wouldn't have wanted my parents turning up on the outward bounds course I attended!

He said: "The guys who took part weren't gang members but they live in an area where there are a lot of gangs and they are at risk of joining them." He added: "Engaging them in positive activities, giving them something to focus on and make them realise police are people has to be a good thing."

 So these aren't bad kids.
 I don't see anything wrong with it.
Oh wait you're right maybe we should stop all the Youth clubs and drop in centres as well.

The guys who took part weren't gang members but they live in an area where there are a lot of gangs and they are at risk of joining them
TBH that could be half the kids in any part of London.

Having a three day jolly for 7 of them only is like pissing in the ocean...they could probably have taken 30/40 for a day out for the same cost.
We will have to disagree on hat one For the trust of the parents are also needed by the police and it would have promoted a better all round goody goody feeling
I'm assuming that the parents have escaped Somalia, which is after all one of the most dangerous countries in the world, having seen madmen with guns ruling the streets and brutal behaviour becoming the norm.

I'm pretty sure that they are now desperate to stop their boys (again, I'm assuming) wasting their opportunities and ending up carrying knives or guns in this country.

They must surely be on the side of the police in this situation.
I'm assuming that the parents have escaped Somalia, which is after all one of the most dangerous countries in the world, having seen madmen with guns ruling the streets and brutal behaviour becoming the norm. I'm pretty sure that they are now desperate to stop their boys (again, I'm assuming) wasting their opportunities and ending up carrying knives or guns in this country. They must surely be on the side of the police in this situation
Wheres the bloody nodding smiley gone?  Anyway seeing as I have to type my agreement now.  I agree Blizzie.
'm pretty sure that they are now desperate to stop their boys (again, I'm assuming) wasting their opportunities and ending up carrying knives or guns in this country.
I wouldn't bet on it...there's loads of trouble round here with gangs and a lot of it is with Somalian gangs....i know the police round here refer to Woolwich as Mogadishu on Thames
what I was trying to point out was that the kids who are 'doing well' seem to get overlooked....they don't seem to get noticed...
i agree with you
like i said-reward the good kids and the bad kids might strive a bit harder to get a reward-if its handed out on a plate-no one is gonna learn anything-doesnt matter what part of the world you come from

dont forget lots of the older people in this country saw there way through a brutal world war-but i imagine their kids didnt become part of a gang because of it, and if they did i doubt they got taken to the local fish pond
I wouldn't bet on it...there's loads of trouble round here with gangs and a lot of it is with Somalian gangs....i know the police round here refer to Woolwich as Mogadishu on Thames
Which is presumably why they chose Somalian kids.

Or are these gang members parents of teenagers?

Kids who have grown up seeing brutality as the norm are far more likely to end up commiting violent crime. Surely showing them a different way and getting them interested in alternative activities, will help to break the cycle and the more kids you manage to keep out of gangs, the better life will be for all those living in those areas.
well behaved, intelligent good kid get rewarded with wisedom, a better life, a better education and a better start in life....i think that is a much better reward than fishing for 3 sodding days. ALL the 'bad' kids i know from school have miserable lives and are miserable people.

and nowhere in this article does it say that the kids ARE bad, although i do wonder why it is only for ethnic kids when white kids are just as likely to turn to gangs.
wouldn't bet on it...there's loads of trouble round here with gangs and a lot of it is with Somalian gangs....i know the police round here refer to Woolwich as Mogadishu on Thames
we've got one of them
sparkhill aka little somalia
its a no go area
and its made known by the locals very clearly that youre not welcome

take em all fishing i say!
that should sort it

A bit off topic, but I think parental guidance should be looked at in finer detail.  Someone I know got shot of her husband, put her youngest daughter in care due to anger problems, and has now got herself a boyfriend.  Her daughter has been in care for 6 months now, in which time, she hasn't had to shell out a penny, she even told me 'I'm going to take everything they offer' which believe me is incredible, pocket money, present every week for being good, new bike, holiday abroad, she is due home today and i've been told that she doesn't want her back because it's going to put pressure on her new relationship!  If the whole family hadn't been vetted properly, Social Services would have seen where the real problems have come from.  Makes me so angry.

 Hopefully, a well paid, fulfilling job and a happy life on the outside (of prison)! but it would be nice to get rewarded for being a good student-instead of bypassed maybe if the local authorities took the 'good' kids on trips and outings-it might spur the 'wayward' kids to think 'ill have a bit of that thank you' and maybe they would behave-THEN get the reward thats how it usually works-earn your reward
that would be better in my eyes...though i would have probably done anything to avoid fishing

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