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Well, while I'm not poo-pooing the idea, as I think it would be incredibly arrogant to assume that we're the only lifeforms in the universe; I do find it rather amusing that EVERY time, someone spots 'aliens,'  or 'spaceships,' they almost ALWAYS look the same: big metal triangular crafts, and aliens with big heads and huge eyes.  And also, the pictures are always fuzzy, distant and ambiguous. 


So while I don't disbelieve that there are other lifeforms out there, I am not sure that anyone has ever actually seen anything from another planet - other than space debris.


Views anyone?

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Well, when I look at the historical reports Cupcake... I believe the older ones ilke the Nazca lines. How could anyone do overhead shapes like that? Something odd was going on.


Recent UFO reports, like you say, they're similar....and unconvincing. Also they seem concentrated on kind of redneck areas of the U.S. *coff* .... if you wanted to make contact with the human race - would you head there?  


But even that, why would they come all this way just to graffiti our planet. Drawing all over it with there extraterrestrial lines. I would love to know if there was other life form out there, theres got to be ...somewhere, but i dont think they have been here.


Now the sperm.. *sets the scene* It was raining and late (about half 11 at night) on NYE.  I was driving home from work along the deserted motorway. Its a very clear night and I frequently see shooting stars on my drive home so when i see something in the sky i try to get a look .  It was raining sort of drizzle and all of a sudden i saw this big translucent shape sort of wiggle overhead. I leaned forward to keep it in view as went over my head, but because the windscreen was wet it wasn't totally clear. When I say big it was like the size of a low flying aircraft (BIG) and totally see through and wiggling, like a balloon let go, or a sperm (wiggle wiggle)...It went past in a split second and was gone.


Feck knows what it was, if it was a reflection or a light or what but i tell thee... I saw THE GIANT SPERM FROM OUTER SPACE


Bet you are all freaked out now aren't you

Originally Posted by Gypsie~:

Ya bunch of unbelievers


one day the giant sperm will come down and laser you all with its wiggling tail!!!!

Right as you say, you have semi-wild cats shaggin' on top of your wardrobe Gyps. I think thats what you see, when you wake up in the middle of the night? Of all the most unbelievable UFO stories thats it... and please no more giant flyin' sperm stories   


I can see this is more of a fun topic than a serious one lol but I'll add my 2 cents anyway


Like Rosie says there's a history of ufology going back many centuries. There are old famous paintings with crafts added to the scene, cave drawings depict crafts and sometime occupants. In more modern times pilots around the world have seen them, they've been picked up on radar and police officers have reported they've seen them - why pilots or police should be believed more than every day folk around the world who report seeing them I don't know.

There's plenty of NASA vid footage of ufo's, some of it leaked. Astronauts have spoken out about the ufo's they saw. Some Physicists who've investigated the subject believe it's a real phenomenon. Seasoned and respected investigators who've been studying it for many years believe there's proof. There's far more shaped crafts than the triangular and disc shaped ones. They come here for several reasons and if there are crafts there are beings that operate them. I've no problem in believing there are other races from other galaxies in the Universe, and they're far more advanced than we are. Govt's don't want the massess to know what they know about them.


Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by noseyrosie:

Well, when I look at the historical reports Cupcake... I believe the older ones ilke the Nazca lines. How could anyone do overhead shapes like that? Something odd was going on.


Recent UFO reports, like you say, they're similar....and unconvincing. Also they seem concentrated on kind of redneck areas of the U.S. *coff* .... if you wanted to make contact with the human race - would you head there?  

Lol... reminded me of this...


Comrade Ogilvy

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