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Making this cake and I found an old text from the bride with a picture saying this is the colour she wanted the cake; i have checked my notes and they say white and so I've made a white cake but earlier today I got a text suggesting she was expecting a cake that was graduating from taupe to cream.


What should I do? Should I change the colour on the cake? I don't have the sugarpaste and it'd be a ton of work and the wedding is saturday!

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That's a toughie Foxy - does your old text only have a picture or did it have text saying they wanted white?


To be honest, the bride should have made it explicitly clear what colour she wanted - if she wanted cream/taupe she should have made that clear.  99% of wedding cakes are white so if you receive a picture of it, you're going to expect the bride wants white.


The problems you could have are 1) do you change it to the cream/taupe and sustain the cost yourself, 2) change it and charge them because they weren't specific enough in what they wanted,3) run the risk of them badmouthing you and possibly tarnishing your reputation? 



Personally I'd contact her ASAP and say the cake is white and if she wants it changed you'll do it  but she'll be charged more 



And in future, make sure you get them via text or letter to be explicit about what colour cake they want 



The text was sent before the meeting I had with her so she said she wanted the white AFTER the original taupe graduating and the design notes I made during the meeting I had with her say explicitly that it is a white cake that she wants, with a rough picture of the design that I have made with her.  It's only this afternoon that it's been suggested that she's expecting a graduating coloured cake - I wouldn't mind but she's seen me at least three times since that initial design meeting and not mentioned it once :/


It is going to look fab in white, I think better than if it was in graduating tiers but I want to give her a special cake that she loves


It's my best friend's mum so that makes it even more difficult...

Originally Posted by littleleicesterfox:

The text was sent before the meeting I had with her so she said she wanted the white AFTER the original taupe graduating and the design notes I made during the meeting I had with her say explicitly that it is a white cake that she wants, with a rough picture of the design that I have made with her.  It's only this afternoon that it's been suggested that she's expecting a graduating coloured cake - I wouldn't mind but she's seen me at least three times since that initial design meeting and not mentioned it once :/


It is going to look fab in white, I think better than if it was in graduating tiers but I want to give her a special cake that she loves


It's my best friend's mum so that makes it even more difficult...

Oh dear... I would still have a chat with her though, cos it is really her fault that she hasn't been clearer...

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by littleleicesterfox:

The text was sent before the meeting I had with her so she said she wanted the white AFTER the original taupe graduating and the design notes I made during the meeting I had with her say explicitly that it is a white cake that she wants, with a rough picture of the design that I have made with her.  It's only this afternoon that it's been suggested that she's expecting a graduating coloured cake - I wouldn't mind but she's seen me at least three times since that initial design meeting and not mentioned it once :/


It is going to look fab in white, I think better than if it was in graduating tiers but I want to give her a special cake that she loves


It's my best friend's mum so that makes it even more difficult...

Oh dear... I would still have a chat with her though, cos it is really her fault that she hasn't been clearer...

agree totally - the fault lies with her but you need to speak to her asap  do it now and come back and tell us how you got on 


I've sent a text to my friend to see what the situation is but it's a pain because it means I cannot move forward with this at the moment. I feel bad because my friends mum has held the wedding down here so my friend has had to do everything and is horribly stressed and I feel like I'm piling more stress on


If I don't hear by kid's bedtime tonight I'm probably just going to have to make it white and bugger the consequences, who would she bad mouth me to? She knows no-one down here and my friend is very aware of how 'difficult' her mum can be so I hope she won't blame me....

Originally Posted by littleleicesterfox:

I've sent a text to my friend to see what the situation is but it's a pain because it means I cannot move forward with this at the moment. I feel bad because my friends mum has held the wedding down here so my friend has had to do everything and is horribly stressed and I feel like I'm piling more stress on


If I don't hear by kid's bedtime tonight I'm probably just going to have to make it white and bugger the consequences, who would she bad mouth me to? She knows no-one down here and my friend is very aware of how 'difficult' her mum can be so I hope she won't blame me....

well I'm sure whatever the bliddy shade of the cake it will be  beautiful judging by the pics you have posted of ones you've made. 



I feel you've done everything right so buga the mum if they don't come back to you although I know you don't want to upset your friend. 



You do realise we're going to want a photo of this cake 


I have heard from her and she says taupe but my friend says ignore and go white.


She has also managed to ignore totally my advice about not making it purely stacked tier and add some height into it between the smallest two tiers with a divider but no, she wants them all together.  It's very wide and is going to look a bit like a pancake but what do I know O.o


This is why I almost never do wedding cakes!


Could you 'wash' the colours onto the icing Fox? I seem to remember years ago doing something similar for a friends cake where the colours were painted on afterwards but it was about 20 years ago so I'm a bit vague on how I did it.

I know that generally you either beat or knead the colours in depending on the type of icing but as you're in a fix maybe you could try a wash on the tiers that need colouring


Frankly, I could do but my friend has said make it white and that's what I'm going to do, it is inane to think that she can just change her mind 48 hours before the event when I have already put a shedload of work in and if I pay for more stuff then I'll end up well out of pocket.


She has seen me, she has had ample opportunity to check what she said to me and she has chosen not to.  I have physical proof of what she said and so she can just damn well put up with it! 



Images (1)
  • DSCF4666: A quick taster of what I'm up to

on the tier thing - if you know it's gonna look funny (stacked pancake) would it be better to send it to her with the dividers then if she wants to have them stacked, she can do that herself or am I being silly here?    you can tell I don't bake    I know a friend that makes wedding cakes had this dilema and she sent the dividers and left it up to them to arrange it how they liked.



I think you're right about making it white 

Originally Posted by littleleicesterfox:

I'm making it up on site on Saturday morning, I'll take the divider along and try and persuade her but i don't anticupate success - meh, it's her wedding she can have it how she likes  (apart from the colour of course)

good plan - jeebus she deserves to pay you double for the trouble she's caused you   that fleur in the pic is lovely 

Originally Posted by Baz:

Oh no That is a dilemma LLF....... could you not email her , with a copy of the original text ,   and tell her that you have done it in white.... as she had requested??

What Baz said, if she originally requested it white, then tough titty if a few days before she wants something else.

Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Oh no That is a dilemma LLF....... could you not email her , with a copy of the original text ,   and tell her that you have done it in white.... as she had requested??

What Baz said, if she originally requested it white, then tough titty if a few days before she wants something else.

Anyway, who on earth thinks a taupe coloured cake is a good idea?!

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Oh no That is a dilemma LLF....... could you not email her , with a copy of the original text ,   and tell her that you have done it in white.... as she had requested??

What Baz said, if she originally requested it white, then tough titty if a few days before she wants something else.

Anyway, who on earth thinks a taupe coloured cake is a good idea?!

She's the kind of person who likes 'cruisewear' in it's naffest sense.

Originally Posted by Pengy:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Anyway, who on earth thinks a taupe coloured cake is a good idea?!

those with no taste Yogi, those with no taste 

Agreed, Pengy.


Originally Posted by littleleicesterfox:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Cinds:
Originally Posted by Baz:

Oh no That is a dilemma LLF....... could you not email her , with a copy of the original text ,   and tell her that you have done it in white.... as she had requested??

What Baz said, if she originally requested it white, then tough titty if a few days before she wants something else.

Anyway, who on earth thinks a taupe coloured cake is a good idea?!

She's the kind of person who likes 'cruisewear' in it's naffest sense.

Aha, I'm with you now, LLF.

Have you told her yet that she's having a classy, white cake?


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