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Just sitting here when I noticed a bloke in an HVV go past the front window into the corner by next doors fence in the frnt garden (where you can't go thru) I looked out the window and he was peeing up the front of the house!!

He also shat himself it has to be said when i flew out the front door and shouted at him 'WTF do you think you are doing...F@@@ Off!' he jumped that much that i hope he soaked his trousers.

I think he was a meter reader and he walked down the road entering figures into his little machine but without knocking on any doors!

I would say ;what a knob' but I didn't actually get a good look!

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yeah but blokes can use bottles.. they don't need to pee in anyone's front garden.. well maybe some do but that's a completely different subject and I ain't going there plus in the winter it then makes for a nice hot water bottle that they can carry around

Funny you should say that.  A few years ago, an elderly friend of my mum's used to come to us for Christmas Day.  He wasn't very mobile the last year he came, and when we got rid of our old downstairs toilet, it turned out that he couldn't get up the stairs to the bathroom.  We thought it was a bit odd that he kept disappearing into the laundry room, and we kept hearing bottles clinking when he moved his shopping bag.  Growly Jnr eventually asked him what was in his bag - he opened it up and pulled out five milk bottles, four of which were full of wee   

It was lucky that his bag didn't get knocked over, because none of the bottles had any sort of top on them!
So about an hour or so ago there was a knock on the door and lo and behold, when I opened was the same bloke asking to read my electricty meter!

Needless to say he got told to Eff off and reminded that I saw him pissing up the wall by the window and the door was shut in his face!

The husband called our supplier who confirmed that our meter was not due to be read (it was done in October).

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