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RESPECT where its due shocker !! Eeker

I watched Live Feed but never saw the clip shown on last nights highlights.

SCENE: Noirin washing her clothes in the bath.

Marcus lying pronate (as usual) on some bench thing next to the sinks looking up at her like some stricken puppy.

Noirinn sed words to the effect,
"I've told you time and time again we are just friends and that's all we will ever be - you have to accept that - i'm sick of telling you."

Marcus,"But its hard just to turn my feelings off just like that"

noirinn, "Well your going to have to - i have been told other people don't fancy me and i have had to deal with it. So will you."

WOW - she was forth-right, clear, stood by her point . . . respect due.

Please tell me she didn;t later blot her copy book by doing/saying otherwise?

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Originally posted by RENTON:
RESPECT where its due shocker !! Eeker

I watched Live Feed but never saw the clip shown on last nights highlights.

SCENE: Noirin washing her clothes in the bath.

Marcus lying pronate (as usual) on some bench thing next to the sinks looking up at her like some stricken puppy.

Noirinn sed words to the effect,
"I've told you time and time again we are just friends and that's all we will ever be - you have to accept that - i'm sick of telling you."

Marcus,"But its hard just to turn my feelings off just like that"

noirinn, "Well your going to have to - i have been told other people don't fancy me and i have had to deal with it. So will you."

WOW - she was forth-right, clear, stood by her point . . . respect due.

Please tell me she didn;t later blot her copy book by doing/saying otherwise?
Go girl!! Big Grin Clapping
Originally posted by RENTON:
KEELy she has not done it in such a decisive way as she was shown to do on last nights highlights

She has sed the words previously - yes

But then acted differently

Last night was nothing short of a REVELATION !!!

Bring on tonight - purlease

Sorry to disagree, but just because it's not been shown on the HL's show doesn't mean that she hasn't said it.

She likes him. She's told him that time and time again, but she isn't looking for a boyfriend.

I've not seen most of the HL's shows, but I have seen an awful lot of the live feed. She is always reassuring him that he's her friend and that she likes him loads, just not in the way he wants.

It's only because she considers him a friend that she will cuddle him, do his hair, sit and chat almost exclusively with him and so on.

As a friend she doesn't want to hurt him and withdraw her friendship. That would surely happen if she had spoken to BB and asked them to warn him off.
Originally posted by JacksonB:
she has told him ,over and over, on one level he's accepted it, and they are friends. i would imagine, now it's getting a bit wearing and she is being more blunt, i think that's some thing we all do

Like Marcus says {though I dont like him}, she gives mixed signals. Whats the point in saying one thing and doing another, as she has over and over. Especially when she knows how he feels. This will be quite normal for Noirin. What a selfish user she is.
Tom has her number though.
Reality Junkie
Originally posted by Reality Junkie:
Originally posted by JacksonB:
she has told him ,over and over, on one level he's accepted it, and they are friends. i would imagine, now it's getting a bit wearing and she is being more blunt, i think that's some thing we all do

Like Marcus says {though I dont like him}, she gives mixed signals. Whats the point in saying one thing and doing another, as she has over and over. Especially when she knows how he feels. This will be quite normal for Noirin. What a selfish user she is.
Tom has her number though.
sorry but i'm not taking anything marcus says with regard to noirin and his feelings for her , or rather hers for him, with gavity. Big Grin
It's probably too little, too late. Unfortunately for her, she took the path of least resistance (and hassle) for weeks and, although constatnly verbally reminding him of the friendship status of their relationship, didn't follow it through and reinforce that message behaviourally (I suspect she had mixed motivations for doing that - attention + a smidgen of worry about his reaction if she did).

*If* she's decided to drive home the message strongly, (with her actions as well as words) she'll most likely have to accept the end of their 'friendship' and be prepared for his response; it won't be reasonable.

Personally, I think it's WELL worth it; his salacious pawing and determined controlling is pretty revolting to watch never mind endure.

I don't know what she sees in him as a friend anyway....even if off camera he's a perfect gent and friend, we've witnessed how that is overshadowed by periods of lust-fuelled grimness. Shake Head
subatomic partygirl
Originally posted by Keely:
Originally posted by longcat:
Originally posted by RENTON:
Why-o-why was this not sed by Noirinn in this way a l-o-n-g time ago
Very few wud have tolerated Marcus and his hideous behaviour like she has

At least its been sed . . and Marcus went running to mummy
I would have told him from day one and i would have said it loud enough for everyone to hear.

She did. Everyone else is aware of it, they've discussed it enough on HL's and LF. The only person that has taken no heed of it is Marcus.

Guarantee you that you will see/hear him leering over her again. He refuses to listen because he is so arrogant and can't believe that she wouldn't want him. He would 'treat her special' unlike her past boyfriends Eeker

His tactic is to wear down his prey until they give up through sheer exhaustion.

It's quite clear that Marcus simply doesn't hear what she's saying's also clear that a lot of FM's dont hear her either ..she's told him pretty much from day one.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by Lord Lucan:
I'm sure Rex said to Marcus before they started their task to keep chasing Noirin (or words to that effect) and he believed him Big Grin.

Rex is such a winder-upper. He spent his time in the house winding up situations and then standing back to view his handy work. He said that to Marcus so that Marcus would go full-on after Noirin, thereby making the situation between them even worse. I love Rex's wicked side, and this is a prime example of it.
Twee Surgeon
Originally posted by fz:
She has said for weeks he is only a friend...she then treats him like a friend ie sits and talks with him, hugs him good night etc etc etc....this could appear odd to people who dont touch their friends? Ninja

Some people are weird imo when it comes to body space...some people dont even kiss their parents etc etc etc....I dont think noirin falls into that camp, she appears a normal loving woman with a circle of close friends and family.

Marcus by his admission is a loner....he could learn from this that contact doesn not mean I want your have your babies.

Everyone in the house nearly has told him she isnt interested, he refuses to listen.

His problem.

Yeah, but she smiled at him etc. etc. Wink
Originally posted by Tayto:
I am repeating it again. She has told him over and over and over again. He also knew that she still liked her ex from the Shree days.

He said something last night like "I don't like the way you make me feel" - or something like that. It sent shivers up my spine. He makes her feel guilty for not fancying him. Classic control.
He also called her a 'good girl' for doing what he asked as regards Tom.
She needs to be evicted asap.

Agreed.Thumbs Up

Both those examples give me the creeps.
And its things like that make me curious why she still seems to court his approval.If a guy wasnt getting the message,its time for a wide berth imo
i still like her too, we all have warts, i don't find hers anymore unbearable than the ones others have.
as for asking marcus to dance , been shut in there for weeks with little music, tune comes on , who wouldn't want to dance?
and the 'date' shut in there for weeks and bored, offered a chance to do some thing different with a friend? of course she went on the date.
she hugs him because he's her friend,probably the only one she has,lol.
she knows it's a friendly hug,if he reads more into it then that's his choice.
Originally posted by Tayto:
I am repeating it again. She has told him over and over and over again. He also knew that she still liked her ex from the Shree days.

He said something last night like "I don't like the way you make me feel" - or something like that. It sent shivers up my spine. He makes her feel guilty for not fancying him. Classic control.
He also called her a 'good girl' for doing what he asked as regards Tom.
She needs to be evicted asap.

Why do you say She needs to be evicted, not Marcus Confused
Originally posted by Mazzystar:
Originally posted by Twee Surgeon:
Originally posted by Lord Lucan:
I'm sure Rex said to Marcus before they started their task to keep chasing Noirin (or words to that effect) and he believed him Big Grin.

Rex is such a winder-upper. He spent his time in the house winding up situations and then standing back to view his handy work. He said that to Marcus so that Marcus would go full-on after Noirin, thereby making the situation between them even worse. I love Rex's wicked side, and this is a prime example of it.

Oh I agree..Rex is a naughty naughty boy!!

But Noirins told Marcus quite firmly on a number of occassions she likes him as only a friend...but her actions give him hope(rightly or wrongly)Monetheless she should have sussed by now that hes not getting the message and the only way to rid herself of him is to give him the straightforward choice.Either he choosed to back off and accept they can only be friends, or he chooses to persist making moves and she withdraws all contact from him.It's really the only way with a guy whos obsessed.

hi mazzy. Sorry for the long delay in replying. I've been shopping. It was a case of starve, or go out and fill the fridge!

Yes, Rex is so norty. He led Marcus to believe that the viewers loved their love story, and it was rather wicked of him to do that Laugh

I don't know what to make of this friendship. One day I blame N, the next day M. My mum always used to say that 'fits find other', and I am sure that there is a similarity between them. Noirin should have nipped it 'on the bud' (as she likes to phrase it) earlier on. She is reaping what she sowed imo. But it still does not give Marcus the right to spoil her experience in the BB house, albeit that he has spoiled his own by his unacceptable attentions to a woman who is just not interested. His relentless pursuit of Noirin is just wrong.
Twee Surgeon
I dont see mixed messages, I see her treating him like a friend, she has done nothing with him that I and many others wouldnt do with their friends.

But I can see how less tactile people have trouble seeing that...they wouldnt act like that. They must spend a lot of time thinking people are coming on to them....when in fact they are just being friendly.

I agree that in real life it may have worn her down by now, to the point he would be avoided at all costs.

She cant do that in the house, so has compromised. some watchers will only feel she has acted correctly if she stands screaming " go away" at him.... but she'll then be called a user and abuser.

I think she has handled his overbearingness really well and probably nothing like she would outside the house...I doubt he would have been allowed to get so persistent.

Good for her that she hasnt (yet) had a stand up row with would only upset her and marcus and be a source of entertainment for the rest.

It would also be a classic reason for others to nominate her.

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