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Originally posted by cologne1:
I know it's a big wrench LMS, but I'm sure you'll get used to it. At least you can see him. My son is off to Afghanistan in the new year. Every time he goes on a tour, I feel wretched. This time will be the worse. Hug
Eeker WO! That must be hard to take. Bless. Didnt think Id get like this BEFORE he went Roll Eyes Must get a grip Nod
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Awwww LMS Frowner Hug, you're obviously going to miss him and will take time to adjust for a little while but I bet he's so excited, it's like an exciting time ahead in his life to make new friends, study hard and partying so best of luck Smiler.
aaw, thanks Darlo. Remember before, ages ago when I said you could be my "adoptive son", well I might just have to do it Laugh Big Grin Wink !!!!!
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by cologne1:
I know it's a big wrench LMS, but I'm sure you'll get used to it. At least you can see him. My son is off to Afghanistan in the new year. Every time he goes on a tour, I feel wretched. This time will be the worse. Hug
Eeker WO! That must be hard to take. Bless. Didnt think Id get like this BEFORE he went Roll Eyes Must get a grip Nod

Don't get a grip, it's how mothers feel. It's horrible seeing the kids leave, but look forward to Christmas when he's home and you can spoil him to bits. (and probably have half a ton of dirty washing) Smiler
cologne 1
Originally posted by darloboy07:
I do indeed Laugh, got a nice message off your daughter on FB will reply to her later Thumbs Up.
Laugh haha! Told her to add you. Most of the boys at School slate her all the time about her obsession. There are only a handful that Like JLS, so when I said about you liking them, she went, ooh a boy JLS fan!! I said, dont think you could call him a "fan" but yes, he thinks JLS are good! Gawd knows what is on her fb comments at the mo; Her and her mates have seen the video for their new song and the boys are all over these girls in it, which has not gone down at all well Laugh SO funny! She was calling these girls allsorts, lol Big Grin
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by jdcoke:
Hopefully a top performance and take home 3 pts from the Bridge on Sunday pm might lift your spirits !

COYS Clapping
Nod Thumbs Up Gonna have to tape it and watch it when we get back. Dont think we'll be back in time. OR I could watch it in the student bar!!!!! Laugh (They had the footie on when we went round the place last time, so they defo get sky etc)OMG could you imagine it? His first day there and me in the bar, screaming W*!&*!! at the screen for 90 minutes Laugh Cor, he'd not wanna set foot in there ever again. All the other students would be saying about his weirdo mum with a mouth like a sewer Big Grin Big Grin
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Just started to help my son pack up some boxes of stuff for Uni, and started blubbing like a fool Frowner Shake Head Lucky for him hes gone off to a party tonight, but Im bloody hopeless. Shake Head He goes Sunday, and its bound to be worse then Frowner Crying Dont know if its worse coz Im a single mum and he's my only son (have 2 teenage girls too) Frowner

Its bloody horrible LMS.... I was distraught for a week before my daughter left.... I broke down at her school (and had to be dragged into Matrons office to sort myself out).... I sobbed all the way home. I was heartbroken for the following 48 hours....

The thing that sorted me out a bit was when she finally phoned all happy.. and I knew she was ok.

She's been down there a week and a half now (but came home last weekend... this will be the first weekend without her).... its hard... but she's texting all the time.... and we keep in touch on LiveCloud!

The week leading up to her leaving was horrid... perm lump in throat (til it ached)... tears behind eyes.... sobbed some nights after she'd gone to bed.
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Just started to help my son pack up some boxes of stuff for Uni, and started blubbing like a fool Frowner Shake Head Lucky for him hes gone off to a party tonight, but Im bloody hopeless. Shake Head He goes Sunday, and its bound to be worse then Frowner Crying Dont know if its worse coz Im a single mum and he's my only son (have 2 teenage girls too) Frowner

Its bloody horrible LMS.... I was distraught for a week before my daughter left.... I broke down at her school (and had to be dragged into Matrons office to sort myself out).... I sobbed all the way home. I was heartbroken for the following 48 hours....

The thing that sorted me out a bit was when she finally phoned all happy.. and I knew she was ok.

She's been down there a week and a half now (but came home last weekend... this will be the first weekend without her).... its hard... but she's texting all the time.... and we keep in touch on LiveCloud!

The week leading up to her leaving was horrid... perm lump in throat (til it ached)... tears behind eyes.... sobbed some nights after she'd gone to bed.
Frowner aww Hug That'll be me. Defo lump in the throat tonight; my voice went all funny too. Gonna have to remember to take some tissues with me; Dont wanna look a sight with mascara running down my face,lol Shake Head One of my friends; she cried for 2 weeks when her daughter went!! Hope Im not that bad Frowner Im coming off the forum now as my daughter wants to get on facebook. Think I will go and watch how clean is your house and tell myself that at least I will be able to set foot in his room which I call "beirut" and give it a damn good clean and tidy up! Big Grin
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Veggieburger:
Originally posted by suzybean:
Awww. I have all this to come, part of me wants my babies to fly and live a happy and independent life, but the major part of me wants to put the umbilical cords back on.

Suzy Valentine
haven't seen you for ages, hope you and the minatures are fine.

hey veggie Valentine been busy/on holiday and a little jaded by forum life and politics. How's Seb? He must be a big boy now?
Originally posted by jdcoke:
Hopefully a top performance and take home 3 pts from the Bridge on Sunday pm might lift your spirits !

COYS Clapping

That would be good.
My daughter's away for two nights and the house feels empty.Shes not going til next w/e so I have it all to come too..even tho I've still got her siblings at home.
I keep remebering that I went to college and came back marriesd and pregnant!!
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by Mazzystar: the house feels empty.!

Mine feels very different without her here. I feel outnumbered by the boys.... its weird.

I told her when she was home at the weekend... its like all the lightbulbs work better when she's here... its kinda all grey without her.

I sound bliddy mental don't I?

No...that makes perfect sense to me.
Much as I love the others,shes more like a soulmate.Shes most like me in looks and nature than any of the others...we like same music,books,films.
HAve broekn my life rule not to have my kids on FB so we can keep in touch.Must beware of wrting updates like 'I am missing my lovely daughter'!or 'OH god am pissed again!' Big Grin
Originally posted by Mazzystar:
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by Mazzystar: the house feels empty.!

Mine feels very different without her here. I feel outnumbered by the boys.... its weird.

I told her when she was home at the weekend... its like all the lightbulbs work better when she's here... its kinda all grey without her.

I sound bliddy mental don't I?

No...that makes perfect sense to me.
Much as I love the others,shes more like a soulmate.Shes most like me in looks and nature than any of the others...we like same music,books,films.
HAve broekn my life rule not to have my kids on FB so we can keep in touch.Must beware of wrting updates like 'I am missing my lovely daughter'!or 'OH god am pissed again!' Big Grin

Yeah... mine is my soulmate too.... she's just been on the phone actually... telling me all the ins and outs of her school (she's boarding at a boys school... 6th form... only 16!!)....

She calls me a delinquent if I get drunk! Laugh
It was afew years ago now that my to went to Uni ...............they left within a week of each other and I felt bereft ............I was quite emotional (when i left them) but didn't let them see it. The thing is .......they had the time of their lives .......I really, really missed them though. it's hard adjusting when the babies fly the nest.

They left in the sept/Oct and then my little grandson came along (from my oldest son) - it's kinda like starting all over.

In the words of Harry Chapin 'all My Lifes A Circle'.
Soozy Woo

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