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Eeker Frowner Only this VERY morning I was saying on a thread, how I hoped they "wouldnt put that woman in the house who looks quite a bit like The Queen" Blush And then what happens?! I mean, its quite obvious to most British people that its not her, but it would be easy for Rodrigo to be convinced Nod When she first came through the door, I thought he was gonna realise, but apparantly not, unless he was a bit suspicious but never dared to say anything incase he was wrong??! When he stood up and saluted to the national anthem and started singing! Oh bless his heart. I hope that if one of the hms tells him before he gets out which is very likely, they do it carefully, else he could be very upset and feel a fool. He is in another country and Im sure if roles were reversed anyone could be taken in. Well, possibly! I agree it was a good idea for BB but I just hope Rodrigo doesnt take it too badly. Bless him Hug

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Duckypup:
I'm all for BB taking the pish out of the HM's, they've signed up for it willingly, but I don't like it when they single one of them out.

I will laugh when I see it I'm sure Big Grin .... but awwww poor Rodders. Frowner
I tell you what, he melted my heart, just seeing the clip, even tho I was dead embarressed for him. Wonder how much they will show on BB proper?
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by Duckypup:
I'm all for BB taking the pish out of the HM's, they've signed up for it willingly, but I don't like it when they single one of them out.

I will laugh when I see it I'm sure Big Grin .... but awwww poor Rodders. Frowner
I tell you what, he melted my heart, just seeing the clip, even tho I was dead embarressed for him. Wonder how much they will show on BB proper?

Oh god. I don't think I can bare to watch it. Eeker

I haven't seen the clip because it's on their website. I'm going to be watching tonights episode through my fingers. Frowner
Originally posted by cologne1:
What makes him think he'd have an audience with the queen? Him and his delusions have only got themselves to blame.
Hes in another country. Whose to say how we would react if we were in another country and the same thing happened.Its easy to say you wouldnt be fooled when youre watching from the outside. BB is a famous British programme. He is not to know, that this woman even exists. I do hope the real Queen is told to view this by someone.Some of her grandkids are supposed to like the show. Im sure she would think what a lovely young man Rodrigo was. Im sure she would reply to his letter too. So sweet, and he knew the words to the National Anthem! Not all British lads of his age can say the same!
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Duckypup:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by Duckypup:
I'm all for BB taking the pish out of the HM's, they've signed up for it willingly, but I don't like it when they single one of them out.

I will laugh when I see it I'm sure Big Grin .... but awwww poor Rodders. Frowner
I tell you what, he melted my heart, just seeing the clip, even tho I was dead embarressed for him. Wonder how much they will show on BB proper?

Oh god. I don't think I can bare to watch it. Eeker

I haven't seen the clip because it's on their website. I'm going to be watching tonights episode through my fingers. Frowner
I did too, and I had my hand over my mouth when he started singing, but it was dead sweet too. OMG! Shake Head
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Duckypup:
I'm all for BB taking the pish out of the HM's, they've signed up for it willingly, but I don't like it when they single one of them out.

I will laugh when I see it I'm sure Big Grin .... but awwww poor Rodders. Frowner

Aw Ducks... I think its rotten!

Its something that means so much to him, and I don't think he's going to take it well when he finds out she was a ringer!

I hate this kind of wind up!
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by Duckypup:
I'm all for BB taking the pish out of the HM's, they've signed up for it willingly, but I don't like it when they single one of them out.

I will laugh when I see it I'm sure Big Grin .... but awwww poor Rodders. Frowner

Aw Ducks... I think its rotten!

Its something that means so much to him, and I don't think he's going to take it well when he finds out she was a ringer!

I hate this kind of wind up!
Nod I really hope he doesnt get too upset. Poor Rodrigo. Frowner
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by cologne1:
What makes him think he'd have an audience with the queen? Him and his delusions have only got themselves to blame.
Hes in another country. Whose to say how we would react if we were in another country and the same thing happened.Its easy to say you wouldnt be fooled when youre watching from the outside. BB is a famous British programme. He is not to know, that this woman even exists. I do hope the real Queen is told to view this by someone.Some of her grandkids are supposed to like the show. Im sure she would think what a lovely young man Rodrigo was. Im sure she would reply to his letter too. So sweet, and he knew the words to the National Anthem! Not all British lads of his age can say the same!

...or, the no nonsense Queen might think he's he's a whinger, although I don't think for a minute that she gives him or the programme a thought. Big Grin
cologne 1
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by cologne1:
What makes him think he'd have an audience with the queen? Him and his delusions have only got themselves to blame.
Hes in another country. Whose to say how we would react if we were in another country and the same thing happened.Its easy to say you wouldnt be fooled when youre watching from the outside. BB is a famous British programme. He is not to know, that this woman even exists. I do hope the real Queen is told to view this by someone.Some of her grandkids are supposed to like the show. Im sure she would think what a lovely young man Rodrigo was. Im sure she would reply to his letter too. So sweet, and he knew the words to the National Anthem! Not all British lads of his age can say the same!

...or, the no nonsense Queen might think he's he's a whinger, although I don't think for a minute that she gives him or the programme a thought. Big Grin
Well, we dont know that, and Im sure she could only find him a charmer. For all we know she could be a fan !!!! Big Grin
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by cologne1:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by cologne1:
What makes him think he'd have an audience with the queen? Him and his delusions have only got themselves to blame.
Hes in another country. Whose to say how we would react if we were in another country and the same thing happened.Its easy to say you wouldnt be fooled when youre watching from the outside. BB is a famous British programme. He is not to know, that this woman even exists. I do hope the real Queen is told to view this by someone.Some of her grandkids are supposed to like the show. Im sure she would think what a lovely young man Rodrigo was. Im sure she would reply to his letter too. So sweet, and he knew the words to the National Anthem! Not all British lads of his age can say the same!

...or, the no nonsense Queen might think he's he's a whinger, although I don't think for a minute that she gives him or the programme a thought. Big Grin
Well, we dont know that, and Im sure she could only find him a charmer. For all we know she could be a fan !!!! Big Grin

cologne 1
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by Duckypup:
I'm all for BB taking the pish out of the HM's, they've signed up for it willingly, but I don't like it when they single one of them out.

I will laugh when I see it I'm sure Big Grin .... but awwww poor Rodders. Frowner

Aw Ducks... I think its rotten!

Its something that means so much to him, and I don't think he's going to take it well when he finds out she was a ringer!

I hate this kind of wind up!

with ya on this one, I CANT STAND Rodders I think he is a twat, and a "typical" BLAND BB winner,
having said that, I think its a damn rotten trick to pull on anyone, its just plain and simply taking the piss, they are basicaly setting someone up to be laughed, WRONG,
and THATS from one of these NASTY Marcus fans, Shake Head
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by Duckypup:
I'm all for BB taking the pish out of the HM's, they've signed up for it willingly, but I don't like it when they single one of them out.

I will laugh when I see it I'm sure Big Grin .... but awwww poor Rodders. Frowner

Aw Ducks... I think its rotten!

Its something that means so much to him, and I don't think he's going to take it well when he finds out she was a ringer!

I hate this kind of wind up!

Is it just me or does BB's "personality" just seem totally different this year? Disappointed

It's like Team Nasty are at the helm.
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by Duckypup:
I'm all for BB taking the pish out of the HM's, they've signed up for it willingly, but I don't like it when they single one of them out.

I will laugh when I see it I'm sure Big Grin .... but awwww poor Rodders. Frowner

Aw Ducks... I think its rotten!

Its something that means so much to him, and I don't think he's going to take it well when he finds out she was a ringer!

I hate this kind of wind up!

with ya on this one, I CANT STAND Rodders I think he is a twat, and a "typical" BLAND BB winner,
having said that, I think its a damn rotten trick to pull on anyone, its just plain and simply taking the piss, they are basicaly setting someone up to be laughed, WRONG,
and THATS from one of these NASTY Marcus fans, Shake Head
Nod Hope they treat him with kid gloves when he is told. I really feel for him. I do hope that BB dont see him as a possible contender to win and think he will go totally mad, and have set him up in the hope that it will stop him creeping up on their supposed fave Charlie! Or am I being paranoid now? Probably! Crazy
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Duckypup:
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by Duckypup:
I'm all for BB taking the pish out of the HM's, they've signed up for it willingly, but I don't like it when they single one of them out.

I will laugh when I see it I'm sure Big Grin .... but awwww poor Rodders. Frowner

Aw Ducks... I think its rotten!

Its something that means so much to him, and I don't think he's going to take it well when he finds out she was a ringer!

I hate this kind of wind up!

Is it just me or does BB's "personality" just seem totally different this year? Disappointed

It's like Team Nasty are at the helm.

I think someone has taken an "exectutive decision" to "dumb it down" if thats at all possible, they have somehow decided that in the past its been taken to "seriously" and its now time to reduce it to the level of "a game show"
and to make it more "tounge in cheek"
so they retain even MORE control over the HMs and of what we see, IMO Shake Head
old hippy guy

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