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Reference Gel-B'sB #8 Today at 22:48:
 Andrew & Corin! I cannot believe they were picked to do that
I mentioned this elsewhere: Andrew S chose the two HMs generally considered to be the best singers in the auditions (Steve and Rachel) for the leads in the video, but the two worst (Andrew and Corin) for the live performance. (Andrew didn't even get a singing role in the video!)

Coincidence? I don't think so...
Eugene's Lair
Why Growly?

I find everything about her completely loathsome - she has the sort of face that I would like to slap with a wet haddock, she is an orange chav, I detest her personality, she is very dim,  oh I could go on, but I'm getting myself hot and bothered again just thinking about her. 

And I didn't find that 'performance' vaguely funny or amusing - it was probably the worst few minutes of Big Brother I have ever seen.
I mentioned this elsewhere: Andrew S chose the two HMs generally considered to be the best singers in the auditions (Steve and Rachel) for the leads in the video, but the two worst (Andrew and Corin) for the live performance. (Andrew didn't even get a singing role in the video!)
Both of them know they can't carry a tune in a bucket, but they gave it a good go bless them
Reference: Growly
I find everything about her completely loathsome - she has the sort of face that I would like to slap with a wet haddock, she is an orange chav, I detest her personality, she is very dim, oh I could go on, but I'm getting myself hot and bothered again just thinking about her.
Quite a strong opinion considering your previous post...

"I have just been reminded why I haven't been watching this series" 
I don't find Corin even a tiny bit as irritating as Rachel, although that Andrew gives me the creeps. Yes Corin can't sing, yes she's desperate to prolong her experience in the house and yes her voice grates and she is both orange and a bit thick. But, and it's a big but, she's enjoyed every minute in the house, hasn't bitched about anyone and has listened while other HMs have gabbled their troubles to her. All in all, I would like to see her stay until the last week....she's no misery guts
Quite a strong opinion considering your previous post... "I have just been reminded why I haven't been watching this series"

As I have posted a few times since opening  night, I have tried several times to watch this series of Big Brother, but each time I have ended up having to turn off after about 10 minutes or so because I have found the housemates so unpleasant.  I have seen quite enough of the original group of contestants to have formed opinions of them, and it really doesn't take very long to know when you really detest a housemate  
Andrew Stone laughed a lot at the antics of Andrew and Corin when they were mucking around in the rehearsal room, experimenting with different combinations and with very little pressure on them.
But they were totally unable to re-create that performance later.
It was one of those "in the moment" things and AS made a misjudgment - or at the least a guess.

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