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any l/fers to back me up on this???  Crab-eyes was the one nearly bloody crying and wanting to jack it in as soon as he walked in there - moaning that he has a bad back etc and couldnt sleep in a chair (didnt stop him sitting on a seesaw for 6 hours) - and him threatening to kick the door in if they didnt open it?
Yes Rachel said she would rather have spent her last few days in the house - but she was nowhere NEAR crying and nowhere near giving up on the task
He's lying through his teeth to big himself up, boasting and bragging that everybody in there is scared of him, because he's an argumentative C***   (his own words)    Just go away you small boy and grow up!  Now the mad monk is peeing his troosers with his usual fake laughter,   but that's ok they're not his own!
any l/fers to back me up on this???  Crab-eyes was the one nearly bloody crying and wanting to jack it in as soon as he walked in there - moaning that he has a bad back etc and couldnt sleep in a chair (didnt stop him sitting on a seesaw for 6 hours) - and him threatening to kick the door in if they didnt open it? Yes Rachel said she would rather have spent her last few days in the house - but she was nowhere NEAR crying and nowhere near giving up on the task

Rachel also wanted to carry on by herself, JJ went to the diary room and said no she couldn;t it would be classed as a fail. They would have failed anyhow, from teh minute it began he had his beanie hat on, then took his dress off later....he's a complete and utter little sh*t.
i've not got lf so can only go by what i read here this afternoon......and that was john james whining about his bad back.wanting to jack in the task cos he didn't want to sit there.wanting to leave the task room to get his washing in cos it was raining....and threatening to 'kick the effing door in' if they didn't let him out.....have i got it right?

if so.....the little weasel shredded wheat head is a prick for trying to blame rachel
Reference: prom
JJ would single out and target a female he perceives to be weak and twist the truth to make her look bad so his 8 year old girlie fanbase vote them out? Madness. That's never happened before.
no never!...jj has always picked fights with steve..and look how when he had a go at corin...he still picks on her now...he wasn't scared when she answered him back....and when shabby confronted him in the bathroom...he didn't sit there wringing his hands looking a nervous wreck quiet as a mouse....and have you seen him having a go at sam?....
dame i think for all the hype surrounding sam and his 'stirring up the house'...i think jo maybe the one to watch.....she's quietly observed a few things this week...and i think she could put the cat amongst the pigeons..

She's very astute Spongey and even JJ2 can't believe they threw the task, I really think she's just biding her time to have a goi...the whole house don't seem happy. But how he went on about team players, you really can see why they are all seething. The camera's not been on him for ages, I bet he's still ranting in the bathroom.

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