Send that cyclist from China for a drugs test... that speed is beyond ridiculous.
No medal hopes in this event, Baz.
don't you dare congratulate them!!!
@ Joe and Meaty.
GB about to be DQd... written all over this, long wait is a sign.
Handball are on a tea break.
Handball are on a tea break.
Are you sure it's a tea break?
Handball are on a tea break.
Are you sure it's a tea break?
Handball are on a tea break.
Are you sure it's a tea break?
Good floor routine from Rebecca.
I wish they'd hurry up and tell us what's happening with the women's cycling.
"We're hearing that GB have not been DQd..."
*box cheers and smiles*
10 second later...
"Okay, we're hearing that GB will no longer be in it"
*everyone looks away from the camera awkwardly*
No idea Baz. I wish they'd hurry up and make an announcement.
Why do they have to give the men those little posies?
21-14 to Arg in the Hand Ball
Gutted for them.
Haha. Thanks Erin...
Poor girl.