I have spent some time with my Nan today, which, recently I haven't really done much of, what with work etc...
Anyway, after telling me everything I've already heard over the last six months, and showing me a million things I have seen a million times over the years she showed me this letter that by Nans brother, who died recently(the family have been sorting his stuff) was sent from my Grandad before they really started "courting" it was sooo sweet to read he was telling my Nans brother that he thinks my Nan is an amazing laydee and he hoped they will be together forever etc, she also showed me other letters he sent her while he was away during the war! Not a hint of filth in any of them Stuff like that keeps my Nan going they would have been married SEVENTY!!!!!!!!!!! years this month had my Grandad not gone and died!
She still has her wedding dress too!! it is similar to the one kate middleton wore AND she still has the sailor suit my Grandad wore when they got wed!! So cool
I <3 My Nan!!
What old things do you have in your family that have real sentimental meaning?