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I post on here about the probs i am having as am sure you all have done in the past-- but seem to get picked on coz its me.. Have still no cursor when opening the reply box--- which i have now now since posting the smiley.. If someone could have helped and asking why, instead of slagging me off, then i think that would have been more helpfull to me.. Am sorry if i upset anyone but i say how i feel and the probs i am having at the time without slagging a FM off at the time...
Have still no cursor when opening the reply box
It may sound a bit simplistic, but have you tried just clicking in the reply box to insert a cursor?
 And trully Real, if you post in Social Strata place(Question Shark) you might find better answers and even resolutions to some of your problems as the mods are better able to see your posts about your problems that way. And even if they can't be resolved instantly, they will at least be able to discuss your problems with you and possibly give you a better idea of what is/can be done. with regard to them.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
It may sound a bit simplistic, but have you tried just clicking in the reply box to insert a cursor? And trully Real, if you post in Social Strata place(Question Shark) you might find better answers and even resolutions to some of your problems as the mods are better able to see your posts about your problems that way. And even if they can't be resolved instantly, they will at least be able to discuss your problems with you and possibly give you a better idea of what is/can be done. with regard to them.
I have clicked here in the reply box but still have to post a smiley before the cursor appears.. And as far as Social Strata???? Surely that is a a different place to here?? I need help here not in another place.?????
I have never been to Social Strata, but presume it is based on the same format as here? Even if it isn't, the advice to alert a Mod/technician to assist you with the problems you are encountering here sounds the best way forward. People have posted a few suggestions, I am not encountering the problems you are so cannot help I'm afraid, however I do know that those who use FF have fewer issues than those who use IE.
We know all too well what you mean Real. Whenever you turn up lately it is to harp on about performance issues here in LC, whilst none too subtly implying your forum is better. I think you will find that many here are finding the performance a lot better and understand when there are difficulties it is because improvements are being worked on and implemented. I suggest you take your performance issues to the Social Strata help forum. It can be found by clicking on the 'Get Help' link in the box at the bottom left of each page. In the meantime, I suggest you accept that people stay here because they like it and they like to spend their forum time with the FMs here too. It would be to your benefit if you did that and for me, personally, would make your appearance here lately a pleasure again... and not an irritant.

Am not promoting anywhere now--- just stating what probs i am having now after being problem - free for ages..   Have promoted my Forum in the past-- and am now paying the price it seems-- Bad move on my part i regret, But i thought Social Strata was another place other than this??? Forgive me if i am wrong, but i have probs here not there.. I will still post here and hope all the negativity against me goes, coz i feel i am now the victim of a witch hunt by some members... Have i ever slagged anyone off as some have done to me on here?? NO-- and don't expect others to do it to me, as has happened in one thread.. I just said what probs i had and left-- but no help was given -- just slating by some FMs...... Carry on slagging me if you wish, but i am above doing the same in return.. Said what probs i had and got shite instead of help...
Reference: Real
But i thought Social Strata was another place other than this??? Forgive me if i am wrong, but i have probs here not there..

I have never been to Social Strata, but presume it is based on the same format as here? Even if it isn't, the advice to alert a Mod/technician to assist you with the problems you are encountering here sounds the best way forward.
This place is huge, and while I agree that there has most definitely been a noticed lack of presence from the Mods compared to the beginning, they are still about.

Why not pm them directly with the problem? Or start a thread specifically about it?
Sitting and waiting in the middle of a thread headlined 'Old C4 poster recall' is not going to alert them your issue.
I've already posted this before but will repeat it again..

to get a cursor, if it's missing, just click the edge of the reply box and move it a tad.. et voila! up pops the cursor.. happens to me a few times but is easily resolved..

btw, Social Strata IS part of this place, it replaced the old support forum and is where you go if you are having major problems, of the forum IT kind that is .
Mount Olympus *Olly*
We know all too well what you mean Real. Whenever you turn up lately it is to harp on about performance issues here in LC, whilst none too subtly implying your forum is better. I think you will find that many here are finding the performance a lot better and understand when there are difficulties it is because improvements are being worked on and implemented. I suggest you take your performance issues to the Social Strata help forum. It can be found by clicking on the 'Get Help' link in the box at the bottom left of each page. In the meantime, I suggest you accept that people stay here because they like it and they like to spend their forum time with the FMs here too. It would be to your benefit if you did that and for me, personally, would make your appearance here lately a pleasure again... and not an irritant.
Where was this originally posted Real as this is the first time i've seen it (in your post).......... Just being nosey.

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