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I have had very little probs here recently, occasionally after posting a reply it will freeze, but when I refresh the page my post is there. I find if I get issues with the reply box, I just have to re-click on the link in my favourites and it's fine.
In this day and age-- how many of us push a button somewhere and if there is no instant action, we are up in arms... Press a button for a lift, and keep thinking-- why in't it here??? In this world now we expect thingngs to happen instantly when we do something---- a sign of the times now--- We get used to stuff daily-- and when we have to wait we get annoyed.... I never used to-- but technology and the age of instant internet IT have made me impatient... Surely someone can see what i mean..
We know all too well what you mean Real. Whenever you turn up lately it is to harp on about performance issues here in LC, whilst none too subtly implying your forum is better. I think you will find that many here are finding the performance a lot better and understand when there are difficulties it is because improvements are being worked on and implemented. I suggest you take your performance issues to the Social Strata help forum. It can be found by clicking on the 'Get Help' link in the box at the bottom left of each page. In the meantime, I suggest you accept that people stay here because they like it and they like to spend their forum time with the FMs here too. It would be to your benefit if you did that and for me, personally, would make your appearance here lately a pleasure again... and not an irritant.
  Excellent post. I think we should all bear in mind that the admin here didn't have any obligation to provide us with a new home when C4 closed down, but they have bent over backwards to accommodate us, and have put up with all the moans, complaints, and trolling since C4 closed down.  All forums experience an odd problem from time to time, and I think the glitches on here are generally far less than on C4, and we can actually get a real response from a real mod here.
That old git not only forces his evil GERMS on me and makes me feel like I'm at deaths door ... but he forces me to post in here too He so WILL be watching BB this year, cos I will NOT be missing the last one and will have it tuned in on every tele in the house
I love you two, you don't half make me grin And ello missus xx

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