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Reference: Baz
Who was that poster who avidly supported Nicole in BB9? Her threads were always good for a giggle
I think her username began with an M or an S but I can't remember it. I quite liked her tbh, the outrage over her posts was hysterical.

When she defended Nicole for telling Mikey to carry over the frying pan full of sausages and boiling fat to check if they were done!!

I thought the forum was going to explode
Not Nicolepapa, but there was a poster who some think actually was Nicole of BB9. She appeared on the forum after Nicole got evicted and kept on about how it was wrong to 'pick on a young girl'. People got suspicious when she slipped up and said 'I' or 'me' instead of 'she' or 'her' a few times
That was her Demantoid  Let's just say her threads kept things interesting
I think her username began with an M or an S but I can't remember it. I quite liked her tbh, the outrage over her posts was hysterical. When she defended Nicole for telling Mikey to carry over the frying pan full of sausages and boiling fat to check if they were done!! I thought the forum was going to explode
LMAO... it certainly added some spice to things, eh Veggie I think you are right... I think it could have been a name starting with an M...

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