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I thought the crowd were ignorant to boo her when she went in. I bet most of them had never heard of Heidi till Davina mentioned her past or they read it in the rags. It was her past not anyone else's, she was made to pay the price, after many men had willingly paid her price, and she never made money out of revealing who all the well known men were.
Yellow Rose
I really like her!  People are far too sensitive, looking for reasons to be offended.  She never said thank god for abortion because I hate kids, it was because of herself.

As for her staying quiet, whether it was for financial reasons or not, she would have earned far more through selling her story I reckon and I doubt any pay off would have equalled what she would have made.

Either way, fair play to the woman.  BB fans bleat on about wanting a genuine no BS housemate, and when they get one they can't take the honesty
I know how you feel,but sadly I've witnessed first hand,the victims of bad or ignorant parenting.At least she recognised in herself that she had failings.The parents who cause most damage are those that can't or won't......and are too proud to accept help for fear of appearing inadequate.
Back to BB,am not sure what to make of Heidi atm.
Even tho she was honest, there are other forms of contraception available to avoid going through abortions.
I agree, but I doubt many women would fancy going through one or decide in advance that it was a better idea than other contraception. There but for the grace of god, etc..

I'm liking Heidi - she's tough, but who wouldn't be after 3 years in jail? And I love the way you can see her thinking "what the...?" every time dopey Nicola opens her mouth. That girl is so stupid, I'm amazed she can dress herself in the mornings. Or maybe she can't - hence the career.
I would have thought that someone so clued up in the 'sex business' would have some idea about contraception and therefore would have no need for abortion(s) - sort of sounded like it was more than once - I found the remark (which seemed to come from nowhere) to be a little insensitive. Honesty is one thing - tact is another. Not really liking her at all TBH.
Soozy Woo

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