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Reference: Karma
Getting fed up of trying to follow a thread but having to go half way round the world to find out what the last poster said...when threads have been replied to can't they change the settings to take us directly to the thread when clicking on the last poster's name instead of to their profile page? (Turned off all e-mail notifications cos it was ridiculous)

If the thread has more than one page, you can just click on the page number to take you to the last page.  If it's only got one page just click on the thread title. 

At least, that's how I do it...might be doing it wrong though
OK so one of the things I don't like (to be honest I didn't like it about the other site either) is that we don't get a chance to preview our posts before we send them

I likes to check for my spelling mistakes and that the post makes sense before I send it.  I know you can edit, but a preview is so much better
OK so one of the things I don't like (to be honest I didn't like it about the other site either) is that we don't get a chance to preview our posts before we send them I likes to check for my spelling mistakes and that the post makes sense before I send it. I know you can edit, but a preview is so much better
Theres a facility on here to type your post in 'Word' then copy & paste into the thread. Its the 2nd from last button on the top right hand side of the reply box.
I agree some of them, including probably mine were too long, but even if you didn't read the post, you knew who it was by the sig. The answer could be to allow just one line or one picture per sig and that way they wouldn't take up space, still I'm thinking of finding pastures new because of a certain person on this forum
Yeah I think a limit on size could be a good idea.  We do still "sort of" have sig though, they appear if you srart a thread or a blog...just not on subsequent posts.

Don't leave because of one person...don't let anyone force you out.  You have as much right to be here as anyone else.

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