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Tayto 5555 Forum Posts Today at 15:36 
Only one problem for me. I'm still showing up 'online' . I have ticked the box. It's not a big problem really but I'd prefer if my movements were private.
Tayto   I think you have to log out and back in for the invisible mask to take effect  I dont know who you want to be private from but this only stops you showing on the online list - your gingerbread man still shows orange in  buddy lists and against your name on any posts you have made with this option  while online  HTH
Tayto   I think you have to log out and back in for the invisible mask to take effect  I dont know who you want to be private from but this only stops you showing on the online list - your gingerbread man still shows orange in  buddy lists and against your name on any posts you have made with this option  while online  HTH
Thanks MrsH.  The Gingerbread Man stays orange for a long time after you log off and it would just save peope thinking you're ignoring them. 
As I said it's no big deal.  I suppose it's kinda silly of me to think you could post away with your Man staying grey.  
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TiGi 1372 Forum Posts Today at 16:35 (Edited: ) Reference: I had that last night on IE7, then when I opened up in Firefox I could see everything. Oh no, I hope they sort it cos it's very off putting. And I don't want to change browser everytime I log in here.

I am running IE7 and have no red crosses - can see what peeps are saying they cant - the only pro I have ever had is in the groups/forums you sometimes cant see past page 1 and then it has been recommended to use Firefox or Google Crome
I don't know what causes the avs not to show up.  It happens in a lot of places.  In another forum I'm a member of someone changed their av but I could only ever see the old one.  Maybe it's something to do with anti-virus or settings on your pc.  
I changed from Firefox to Google Chrome and I've found it much faster and simpler to use.  IE is very slow imo and Firefox has too many extras.  No extra address bars/toolbars at the top of the page either with Chrome just a thin blue bar and the rest is all webpage.
PeterCat:  all the smileys are there....use the scroll bar in the box.

I quoted this 2 pages ago, and can't remember who said it, plus I've lost the quote format because I started with something else....

"Another wish...I wish we had a little light (like gaga) or something to tell us when we have a pm."

I believe that if you look at the top menu bar, there's a tab for Dialogs.  If you have new Dialogs or a response to one, there will be a number after it, in parantheses, like this:  Dialogs(7).

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