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So we have moved again and we're using a format that doesn't feel familiar...

What if any thing don't you like?

By the way I am NOT dissing Livecloud as I quite like a bit of change and am VERY grateful to Lori and the crew for putting us up and putting up with us

I with there was a button at the bottom of the page to get you back to the forum as you have to scroll back op top or am I missing it?

Ive not had a chance to look around much yet

Is this where most of us are gonna be then in the BB forum?

Glad we're all here

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well..since were moaning..

i wish it said who the original poster was and i dont like the way the screen wooshes up when a post loads, it gives me motion sickness and i aint joking

other than that its good. and im impressed we have a forum, i didnt think we would i thought we would be scattered all over the place in our own little blogs
I quite like the new forum. It helps that all our topics have been moved over and that makes it easier to understand.  I was all at sixes and sevens before the topics moved, so I decided not to post until the move.  I have found this morning that if I press 'home' on my keyboard it takes me to the top of the page, and when I press 'end' it takes me to the last post.  It saves a lot of scrolling.  There are bound to be a few niggles to start with but I will get used to this forum eventually. 
Twee Surgeon
All in all I'm loving it and finding it relatively easy........although

a. I dont know how to quote yet

b. I'm not seeing all the avatars only red crosses for lots of them

c. I quite like seeing who started the thread as well as last poster.

Other than that I'm quite reassured that this will be my new home ...........I hope most of the regular ga ga guys and girls make/made the move.
Soozy Woo

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