Originally posted by Girlrider29:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by electric6:
I really feel for girlrider here
I genuinely don't think she's talking about
liking HMs based on their ethnicity or whatever.
It's just when they step out of the car you go "oooh" (one of "us") type of thing and it piques your interest. Whether you go on to like them or go on to hate them is another matter.
I imagine it would be the same if you were from a small town and the HM was from there, you'd sit up and take notice ( I did with Johnny)...it doesn't mean you will go on to support them...you just wonder how they are going to come across..and if they are a dilbert you go "Oh gawd, was there no one better!"
And before anyone starts to form the opinion that I might be 'playing the race card' I will say that on a personal level I have actually only experienced racism once - literally one incident in 33 years - so no chips here. I'm quite dark (and beautiful I assure you
) and have always gotten along well in life, got a good education, v. good, well paid job etc etc, but that doesn't mean I'm blind to social perceptions and attitudes. But it does get difficult when there is a denial of racial experiences, differences, cultural expectations, perceptions, hopes and injustice. A lack of knowledge and experience in these issues makes it easy to gloss over the experience of ethic minorities in a society that is mostly White. I have no problem with this - I like living here but there are issues to wade through.
Bloody hell! I said I didn't want to talk about racism!
I suppose it's not really - it's about the experience of being a minority in this society which links to my initial points/questions about possibly premature affinities to people we see as similar to ourselves.
Look, this is the truth and we really need to start having open dialogue in this country now more than ever; so before anyone starts shooting me down, I'd like you to appreciate that I'm being bravely honest although many people don't want to hear this - therefore communication breaks down and then people start voting for the bloody BNP