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I don't really know how to put this but, I'm drinking too much (allthough I'm not an alcoholic) I need to do something before this gets out of hand. I've just had an 'accident' and while I live on my own that scares me           what advice does anyone have for me please? and yes , I will go and see my doc  . Please be assured. This is not a wind up. It really is a cry for help  

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ask at your doctors - ours does very informal one to ones with experienced sisters now for drinking and smoking cessation etc - saves having to put the pressure on the overloaded doctors rota who maybe wouldnt have such a sympathetic approach

start by taking your lager down to a larger shandy and water or lemonade the wine down so the alcohol content is less   my friend a nurse did this with her OH who was drinking 3-4 bottles of sherry a day 
do you drink at certain times onetoo?? could you maybe find other things to do that didnt allow you to drink? like if you arranged to go round and see a friend one night, drove so had a cup of tea instead of sitting in and drinking?  Or go to the cinema.

Maybe sign up for a new social hobby that will get you out of the house a couple of nights a week. Start a painting course or a cookery course.
Drink is a crutch for loads of folk these days. There is a fine line between drinking too much and alcoholism. Where is this line? A good question. I do not know. Consuming alcohol to ease ones feelings is often represented as alcoholism, but what about smoking ciggies to ease nerves- an easily forgotten obsession and rarely given any support. Its up to the individual to realise there may be a problem and do what they have to do.
do you drink at certain times onetoo?? could you maybe find other things to do that didnt allow you to drink? like if you arranged to go round and see a friend one night, drove so had a cup of tea instead of sitting in and drinking? Or go to the cinema. Maybe sign up for a new social hobby that will get you out of the house a couple of nights a week. Start a painting course or a cookery course.
Thanks Gyps, but for one reason or another, i find it hard to 'socialise' shall we say. and yes, i know , i'm letting all my secrets/insecurities out here and maybe I'm finding solace online maybe it's because i'm the youngest of three and was never really 'taught' i dunno   it seems to be every night lately (re drinking) and i know it's wrong and am trying to do something about it
Thanks Gyps, but for one reason or another, i find it hard to 'socialise' shall we say. and yes, i know , i'm letting all my secrets/insecurities out here and maybe I'm finding solace online maybe it's because i'm the youngest of three and was never really 'taught' i dunno it seems to be every night lately (re drinking) and i know it's wrong
You have to ask youself why you feel guilty about it. Herein may lie the answer.
Big hugs onetoo and madamski!

I have family who are the same with drink and, believe me, it's a huge step to talk about it.
If you need help, seek it out, change doctors if you need to, but also try to limit yourselves to only certain nights, for a start. If you haven't got a serious problem, you'll get used to it fairly soon, and will feel more in control of yourselves.

I wish you all the best.

I want to ask you so many questions...but for now 2 will do...How much wine do you drink?and how often?

I drink white wine almost everyday, mostly I have 2 or 3 glasses,some days it can be 4 or 5, I too started feeling this may be a problem, I had to go to the doctors last year just for a few checks, they asked me the usual question about smoking and drinking and I decided to tell her the truth,I was shocked to discover she didn't think it was a problem.

I tend to pour a glass when I start cooking dinner, and I enjoy it,  it does relax me and I very rarely get drunk.....I have been doing this for years and as has already been said if it doesn't impose on your life try not to worry.  I went to America to see my sister this year it was so hot that we had lots of ice in our wine, and now I do it all the time, the drink last longer and because you are drinking water too the affects are less. Sorry about the long post I just hoped that telling you might make you feel a little better...

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