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They would totally love me in the house, not only do I snore, but I also get night terrors where I scream and really cry out in my sleep and to top that when I am stressed (which I imagine in the first few days sleeping in the BB house I would be) I also sleep walk and do really odd things while I am sleep walking.
Heavy snorers who are also overweight may  be suffering from "Sleep Apnoea".This is when they snore really loudly ,but their airways maybe blocked due to fat etc round the neck.They do actually stop breathing for a few seconds many times during the night.then the body kicks in and they then grunt loudly etc,They are often very tired during the day as they don't have a good nights sleep litererally.

My late brother suffered from this,it can also affect your heart.
Heavy snorers who are also overweight may be suffering from "Sleep Apnoea".This is when they snore really loudly ,but their airways maybe blocked due to fat etc round the neck.They do actually stop breathing for a few seconds many times during the night.then the body kicks in and they then grunt loudly etc,They are often very tired during the day as they don't have a good nights sleep litererally. My late brother suffered from this,it can also affect your heart.
What I hate is the fact it's out of their control and they feel guilty keeping their partner awake. It must be as annoying for them when they wake up as it is for their partner who can't sleep because of it.
Wot about RLS? restless legs syndrome, I have it, and I can tell you it's a SWINEISH thing, I NEVER get to sleep before 4 or 5 am, any night, sometimes you feel like crying because you are SO tired, but it just WON'T let you sleep,
it's like sleep deprivation torture, you start to drift off  and it's like having someone poke you awake every time you do, I dread going to bed most nights,
old hippy guy
Wot about RLS? restless legs syndrome, I have it, and I can tell you it's a SWINEISH thing, I NEVER get to sleep before 4 or 5 am, any night, sometimes you feel like crying because you are SO tired, but it just WON'T let you sleep, it's like sleep deprivation torture, you start to drift off and it's like having someone poke you awake every time you do, I dread going to bed most nights,
I suffer from that too, it's horrible. I was hit by a car when I was young, two broken legs. I don't know if that has any bearing on it but my legs get really restless almost as though they have a life of their own at night.
OHG, I get that the odd time,but nothing serious . I think that is still one of the things that science still doesn't understand.Mayber search the internet etc.
I have had it all my life, I can remember it as a small kid, but it certainly gets worse as you get older, it used to be a now and again thing, but the last couple of years it has become an every night thing,
it's difficult to describe, but it comes on like the most intense tingling sensation in one or other leg, so intense it makes your leg twitch involuntary, poor Pepsi (the missus) has the bruises to show for it,
I have looked into it, it is apparently in your brain and not your legs, something to do with the change in brainwave patterns as you fall asleep, NO known cure,
they ain't even certain what causes it, there are drugs out there but they apparently have some nasty side effects and are only partially successful,
its cost me at least 2 jobs in the past, luckily I am now self employed so I can get up at lunchtime and work late and it doesn't matter, except I am usually wide awake when everyone else is going to bed,
old hippy guy

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