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There's a chain type message going around, which is:

Change your Facebook profile picture to a cartoon character from your childhood and invite your friends to do the same, for the NSPCC. Until Monday (December 6th), there should be no human faces on Facebook, but an invasion of memories. This is a campaign to stop violence against children.

I don't usually do this sort of thing plus I have to ask how this will actually stop violence against children, BUT it is pretty cool to say you are against it and to show off your most favourite cartoon as a child.

It was a toss up between Dungeons and Dragons or Thundercats.....ultimately Dungeons and Dragons (the cartoon) won.

Who else is given it a go?

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That's what I object to, though. Has it really told anyone that children suffer abuse and violence who didn't know it before? And since there are no links to any website, how has it got people to go there?

Being there are no links i think it will just be another stupid site where folk talk about their fav cartoon characters from the past. Nothing at all to do with the real issues. Another useless FB group IMO.
Crispy Christmas
Don't worry about it....Its a bloody scam someone has thought up to try and get as mnany poeple as possible to change their avs and nothing i said previously i never do any of these chain things on there...I don't repost the chain boohoo status' and i never turned my Av pink!
I can't worry but have started a riot on there now
News just in... I keep my FB for friends and family only and am being absolutely hammered for daring to question this! According to one friend I am far too opinionated and this is doing good, She has also said I will probably lose all my friends over this OMG a Pariah

Really????, I'm shocked, I don't do it for any awareness because when I changed mine it had nothing to do with child protection, I just do it to have a change of avi and these give me an idea what to have....

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