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He's a hateful little sh!t alright.  God does he EVER concede he might be wrong sometimes?  He just goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on - loves the sound of his own voice.  Him n farmer giles have knackered themselves out now waffling on for hours, they're back in bed so thats no doubt a fail - bet B-Righter predicted they'd spend most of the day in bed
Josie may have stood up for Corin(Very tactical timing in my view)

But by giving him hugs, complimenting him, telling him he's great, and that he is so gonna be in the final with her add creeping into his bed every night copping a feel, headlocking him into some sort of an embrace, to me makes it all redunant and it just condones his truly awful spiteful behaviour.

She would earn a lot of people's respect if she really did make a stand, gave him a wide berth, stop being a doormat, and be the independent woman carefree woman she was when she first went into the house.
Senora Reyes
A short while ago  John James said "only 3 days to go" to which Josie corrected "No a week."
Amusing because it appeared to be innocently said.

I wouldn't use the word "consistent" about him.
I have heard him describe incidents in the house. Then repeat the description, then repeat again (as he does.) Then repeat again.
Each time the description is changed.
That is what a habitual arguer and liar would do!
I wouldn't use the word "consistent" about him
I wouldn't either Brisket, just seen it said around the forum that his anger and general behaviour are consistent...the only thing that is consistent is that he's a royal pain in backside.
He's forever changing the goal posts to suit his agenda. After slagging off Sam a few nights ago, he's now saying he loves Sam coz they are so similar and real 
Reference: Barmy
exactly Senora she negates EVERYTHING she's been saying the second she fawns all over him again. Agree also - where has this SAINT Josie come from? Amazing what a pass to the final can do eh? Anyone would think she was desperate to win
There wouldn't be many couples left still together, if they all split up over the first disagreement!

Oh, and I've been seeing Josie stand up for herself and other, all along.
Josie's become an enabler,
That's the  reason I can't stand her.  Weak and simpering when it's just the two of them, but tries to convince the others she's in charge of her emotions, and can see the worst of him. Corin had an opinion of him this morning, and APOLOGISED to Josie for saying it,  after he had just ripped her to shreds, and almost reduced the poor girl to tears.   Just shows what a negative influence this year's romeo and juliet are having on everybody in there! They are the most  scunnersome coupling of two mismatched desperados ever!
That's the reason I can't stand her. Weak and simpering when it's just the two of them, but tries to convince the others she's in charge of her emotions, and can see the worst of him. Corin had an opinion of him this morning, and APOLOGISED to Josie for saying it, after he had just ripped her to shreds, and almost reduced the poor girl to tears. Just shows what a negative influence this year's romeo and juliet are having on everybody in there! They are the most scunnersome coupling of two mismatched desperados ever!
Senora Reyes
That's the reason I can't stand her. Weak and simpering when it's just the two of them, but tries to convince the others she's in charge of her emotions, and can see the worst of him. Corin had an opinion of him this morning, and APOLOGISED to Josie for saying it, after he had just ripped her to shreds, and almost reduced the poor girl to tears. Just shows what a negative influence this year's romeo and juliet are having on everybody in there! They are the most scunnersome coupling of two mismatched desperados ever!
That's the reason I can't stand her. Weak and simpering when it's just the two of them, but tries to convince the others she's in charge of her emotions, and can see the worst of him. Corin had an opinion of him this morning, and APOLOGISED to Josie for saying it, after he had just ripped her to shreds, and almost reduced the poor girl to tears. Just shows what a negative influence this year's romeo and juliet are having on everybody in there! They are the most scunnersome coupling of two mismatched desperados ever!
cologne 1
That's the  reason I can't stand her.  Weak and simpering when it's just the two of them, but tries to convince the others she's in charge of her emotions, and can see the worst of him. Corin had an opinion of him this morning, and APOLOGISED to Josie for saying it,  after he had just ripped her to shreds, and almost reduced the poor girl to tears.   Just shows what a negative influence this year's romeo and juliet are having on everybody in there! They are the most  scunnersome coupling of two mismatched desperados ever!
Madam I salute you.

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