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But he didn't call her fat, he was polite and was suggesting her outfits weren't suiting her, and they didn't.
well if he was just being polite and 'trying to help her look nice and pretty'.....why didn't he tell her to her face?......simple...cos he was bitching about her......and whichever way you dress it up the meaning behind it was he was saying she was too fat to wear those clothes...........if it was simply saying her outfits didn't suit her.....he would've said something like 'josie looked lovely in that blue dress etc...i wonder why she doesn't wear them so much now?'..instead he made reference to her clothes being 'too tight'....he was saying she was too fat to wear them however he worded it
yep he did vids......something along the lines of 'make up.......helping ugly/plain women get hooked up for centuries' equally crass comment imo.......

perhaps dave and ben believe women are just here to sit around dolled up to the nines in the clothes men prefer them in........rather than a woman having freedom of choice to either wearing make up or not.and wearing something they feel comfy in
well if he was just being polite and 'trying to help her look nice and pretty'.....why didn't he tell her to her face?......simple...cos he was bitching about her......and whichever way you dress it up the meaning behind it was he was saying she was too fat to wear those clothes...........if it was simply saying her outfits didn't suit her.....he would've said something like 'josie looked lovely in that blue dress etc...i wonder why she doesn't wear them so much now?'..instead he made reference to her clothes being 'too tight'....he was saying she was too fat to wear them however he worded it
Because it came up in a discussion that John James started about her,  she just wasn't in the nest at the time.
Reference: spongey
perhaps dave and ben believe women are just here to sit around dolled up to the nines in the clothes men prefer them in........rather than a woman having freedom of choice to either wearing make up or not.and wearing something they feel comfy in
Not just Dave and Ben either, a large proportion of this forum seem to believe that!
why was she part of the whisper club

No shes alot worse, she starts arguments, grins from ear to ear when she sees others rowing, she treated Keeva like shit for no reason and shes very two faced in her opinions...she dumped a bucket over JJ2 in nominating him and she pretended to do it as a laugh, but she had issues with him for days and for someone who claimed to like Ben she nominated him TWICE.
i know where it happened vids (can't quote for some reason).......all i'm asking is.....if it was as you say....a simple comment suggesting josie was wearing clothes that didn't suit her.....why didn't he say it to her?...either before that convo or after?........the reason is he was bitching about her...he was implying she was too fat to wear those was the reason john james nominated him that week
perhaps dave and ben believe women are just here to sit around dolled up to the nines in the clothes men prefer them in........rather than a woman having freedom of choice to either wearing make up or not.and wearing something they feel comfy in
He meant that she was wearing different thing to look sexy for JJ1 and that it did not suit her. He didn't sit there having a conversation about her weight. She was doing that and, to me, that isn't very feminist either.
cologne 1
i know where it happened vids (can't quote for some reason).......all i'm asking is.....if it was as you say....a simple comment suggesting josie was wearing clothes that didn't suit her.....why didn't he say it to her?...either before that convo or after?........the reason is he was bitching about her...he was implying she was too fat to wear those was the reason john james nominated him that week
But he wasn't bitching about her, please understand that.

That topic came up in discussion that he didn't start, why should he later pull her to one side and tell her what he said??  who does that honestly.??
I remember it well. Ben was in the hut/nest and said why was Josie dressing up for the new JJ, JJ1 said yeah, but quickly said eh no , then he had to think about it. Maybe someone could find out the exact convo, and it will be sorted. No one in there is sparkly clean, i have never known a BB with so many paranoid nutters to be honest. I was rather hoping the house was done last night and BB was finished and give the 100k to charity
Reference: vids
Spongebob, Ben doesn't think that of women at all, he made one remark that for god knows what reason some think was offensive but it's what he meant by it that counts.
i don't know if you have a wife or g/f vids....but if you do....or even to one of your girl mates....try saying......'that doesn't suit's too tight for your shape'.....see what reaction you get!!......i guarantee you 9/10 will think you're calling them fat......
Reference: Fairfax
But its still your opinion and I am not saying you did not see it. Just pointing out that others don't share you assessment of it. But that's BB for you, we all watch the same thing and see things differently.
It really isn't an opinion. It is a fact.

I think he even started off with, "Isn't it funny?", or something in that vein!

He really thought it amusing and he realised that he'd put his foot in his mouth, when John James and Dave looked blank and  didn't laugh along with him!
ahhhhhhhh can't quote again!!......of course he was bitching about her vids!......however you dress it up he was bitching and making comment about her being too doesn't matter if he started the convo or not..he made the comment......he may have been 'polite' about it.....but it was obvious what he meant
But surely if his intensions were good it wasn't bitching?   he always liked Josie.

But if Ben had a good point and was putting it politely I dont see the problem.
Reference: Skylark
I remember it well. Ben was in the hut/nest and said why was Josie dressing up for the new JJ, JJ1 said yeah, but quickly said eh no , then he had to think about it. Maybe someone could find out the exact convo, and it will be sorted. No one in there is sparkly clean, i have never known a BB with so many paranoid nutters to be honest. I was rather hoping the house was done last night and BB was finished and give the 100k to charity
He was saying that it was funny (haha funny), that Josie had started dressing up, since the new girls had come in, and that she was wearing very tight clothing that she really couldn't get away with, with her figure.

He was implying that she was going all out to attract John James, in case the new girls caught his eye.
Well i have to admit (going on from the comments about dressing up and making yourself 'pretty' (or not....)   I like to wear make up and dress nice at times, but sometimes I simply cannot be arsed.  But I can tell you that no matter what I do or how I dress, I don't do ANYthing to please anyone ELSE, and I certainly would not dress how any man wanted me to. 

I am not a feminist at ALL, but think it's a slippery slope when you start dressing to 'please your man,' and are dressing specifically as he wants you to dress.  Then you start giving up friends/hobbies/recreational activities etc to please him...  No man I have ever known, has given up ANYthing for any woman that I have ever known.
i don't know if you have a wife or g/f vids....but if you do....or even to one of your girl mates....try saying......'that doesn't suit's too tight for your shape'.....see what reaction you get!!......i guarantee you 9/10 will think you're calling them fat
Maybe so, thats why Ben didn't tell Josie what he said...that doesn't mean he was being nasty or bitchy.
As long as they dress to his liking and hide their tampons away, eh?
I am a woman and even in my own home I don't have them on display and I live alone.

I can not understand why she thought placing the box by the wash basin was the best place for them?

He simply was annoyed that they had to be careful while having a wash in case they got her tampons wet, and why should he not request the removal of such personal item from his view?
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)

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