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Reference: squiggle
If you can show me where Ben goes on and on and on about a HM like Josie has just done to him I might agree with you.
how about his bitching sessions in the nest.......where he bitched about john james,mario,steve,josie,rachel......just about nearly every h/l show........there was the nest bitching like no tomorrow about someone
oh come on!!!......dress it up all you like.we all knew what he meant by it........'wearing tight clothes that didn't suit her body shape' is a polite way of saying.......'she's too fat to wear tight clothes'
He was right though, she used to look a lot better when she took some care of herself. Anyway, I'm sure he wouldn't have denied it to her face if they had told her then, he would have explained what he meant and she would have had a chance to start looking pretty again.
cologne 1
Reference: BLIZZIE
She's just been told that he made bitchy comments about her looks. She has every right to go on and on.
But why did they need to tell her, why hurt her - I don't understand why John James would deliberately hurt her. No need, he should be protecting her. In his attempt to point score and bitch against Ben he is hurting the woman he purports to love. Its just not right
Reference: cologne
He was right though, she used to look a lot better when she took some care of herself. Anyway, I'm sure he wouldn't have denied it to her face if they had told her then, he would have explained what he meant and she would have had a chance to start looking pretty again.
Remind me again, when you burnt your bra?
Reference: col
He was right though, she used to look a lot better when she took some care of herself. Anyway, I'm sure he wouldn't have denied it to her face if they had told her then, he would have explained what he meant and she would have had a chance to start looking pretty again.
he would have blustered.uttered a few apologies......told her 'i love you you really are my friend i adore you forgive me'.....then had a right bitch up in the nest about it later with dave
Reference: spongebob
oh come on!!!......dress it up all you like.we all knew what he meant by it........'wearing tight clothes that didn't suit her body shape' is a polite way of saying.......'she's too fat to wear tight clothes'
I agree totally. It makes me sick when people are just blatantly bloody rude and offensive and dress it up to make out that they are 'helping you' or 'just kidding' when they say something offensive, and you are boring or devoid of a sense of humour if you get offended.  People like that make me sick;  Insulting you by sneakily and deviously dressing it up as a 'throwaway' comment.  I quite liked Ben, but this was out of order.  Why the hell do people think they have the RIGHT to comment on peoples' appearance to their face.  They need to keep their sticky beaks out ...
Was Ben being bitchy or stating the obvious?....IMO the latter,when she first went in there she took a lot of care with her appearance,nice dresses matching head wear ,clothes that suited her body shape much much better than what she then started wearing,they don't suit her body type,they emphasise the less flattering .We've all got that problem with different parts of our bodies so emphasise our better features,mask the bad as best we can.
oh come on!!!......dress it up all you like.we all knew what he meant by it........'wearing tight clothes that didn't suit her body shape' is a polite way of saying.......'she's too fat to wear tight clothes'

But he didn't call her fat, he was polite and was suggesting her outfits weren't suiting her, and they didn't.
oh come on!!!......dress it up all you like.we all knew what he meant by it........'wearing tight clothes that didn't suit her body shape' is a polite way of saying.......'she's too fat to wear tight clothes'
and the word heffalump was unkind, but I think it was a typically Ben comment, and I mean this in a totally non homophobic way, it was bitchy and spiteful, but they have all had a bitch at each other at some point.
As a Ben fan, who thinks he's the best housemate all series, it's still only fair that I disagree with the comment he made about Josie wearing tight tops. It wasn't a nice comment, and he didn't have to say it. In reality it probably contributed towards his eviction. I wish he hadn't said it
It might not have been a nice comment but it certainly wasn't a nasty comment, just his opinion and he didn't put it in a harsh or nasty way.

I dont understand why Josie or anyones weight is a no no topic.

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