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Ah guys, I don't thinks she's all that bad. She had a horrendous day being nominated by Monk Dave and then bitched at by that peroxide twat JJ. Shes' not the worst in the house by any means. I reckons he has every reason to feel rotten.
I completely agree. I think that she can't do right for wrong on here,
I agree with Fairfax too. Rachel is a pretty young girl who gets loads of attention, she is mising her friends. I think JJ's treatment of her and the total lack of respect he has for her, is pretty hard to watch. The fact he practically made her apologise for his disgusting treatment of her. made me want to punch his lights out. Remember she is still quite young, and despite the fact she is vain, I still maintain she is nice girl, and she is not nasty or as self absorbed as Sunshine or Shabby.
Senora Reyes
I read somewhere that she used to be extremely over weight and had self esteem issues, she's just enjoying her moment before the pounds creep back on
If that's the case then she really must stay ........................I remember Adele BB3 - obviously starved herself almost to the point of anorexia before she went in the house the time she was evicted nothing fitted her. Sophie was the same last year ............give Rachel a few weeks in there with crap food and swhe wont be strutting around in them scanty knickers no more! Sorry but ..............that really does my head in.
Soozy Woo
I'm surprised by that actually. I wouldn't expect anyone with self esteem issues to wander about a house filled with cameras when the kinickers you are wearing have been half eaten by your bum
You'd think that wouldn't you....but wait till she's had a few of Nathan's stodgy dinners and she covers up more and more 
Regardless of the way she looks now, her previous wieght or self esteem issues, JJ has absolutely no right to judge her, or make assumptions about her. Who does this Douche think he is?
 They have only been in the house a week, and in that week JJ has made no attempt to talk to Rachel on any level, all he has done is bitch about her, and make judgements. His dislike of her is borderline psychotic.
Senora Reyes
I actually felt sorry for her last night, I was all but shouting at the tv stop begging you silly mare. I think she'll learn in life not all blokes are going to be drooling over her, and the last person I would want drooling over me would be Mr can't hang on till I get my under kegs off! I think JJ's far more self aware than Rachael is tbh.
Regardless of the way she looks now, her previous wieght or self esteem issues, JJ has absolutely no right to judge her, or make assumptions about her. Who does this Douche think he is? They have only been in the house a week, and in that week JJ has made no attempt to talk to Rachel on any level, all he has done is bitch about her, and make judgements. His dislike of her is borderline psychotic.
His hatred for her is unfounded and psychotic how can you hate someone you dont know? He is a deluded tool and I hope he is up and out as soon as possible. He isnt even that goodlooking.
Now why would a thing like that affect you....?
Because personally I see it as incredibly impolite. I may be old fashioned but ..........FFS wear some clothes - you are in a house with many different people. If my daughter walked around the house like that when there were people round I'd pull her up on it big time. 

There was a thread a few days ago about this a house of virtual strangers why the hell walk around with your arse hanging out? It's disrespectful IMO.
Soozy Woo
Its a good job we don`t all agree about `beauty` isn`t it.  It amazes me how anyone can think Rachael is attractive - IMO she`s very ordinary looking and, well, slightly on the rough side.  Nothing much going for her really, except she will happily flash her bits and give blokes a bj - nice for a one night stand though or posing on the front of Nuts.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]

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