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Originally posted by kazzy:
Its funny, when Marchus and Sree followed Noirin around they were called creepy.

Double standards much?

She wants a friggin bath in peace, is that too much to ask for. I think she has the patience of a Saint with Freddie.

I'd have drowned him!

Nah, shes a bitch, and BTW i never called Sree or Marcus creepy.
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by kazzy:
Its funny, when Marchus and Sree followed Noirin around they were called creepy.

Double standards much?

She wants a friggin bath in peace, is that too much to ask for. I think she has the patience of a Saint with Freddie.

I'd have drowned him!

Nah, shes a bitch, and BTW i never called Sree or Marcus creepy.

Lots did though VS

She has told him fairly and calmly.
Originally posted by kazzy:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by kazzy:
Its funny, when Marchus and Sree followed Noirin around they were called creepy.

Double standards much?

She wants a friggin bath in peace, is that too much to ask for. I think she has the patience of a Saint with Freddie.

I'd have drowned him!

Nah, shes a bitch, and BTW i never called Sree or Marcus creepy.

Lots did though VS

She has told him fairly and calmly.

Yes she did, and he accepted it fairly and calmly.
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by kazzy:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by kazzy:
Its funny, when Marchus and Sree followed Noirin around they were called creepy.

Double standards much?

She wants a friggin bath in peace, is that too much to ask for. I think she has the patience of a Saint with Freddie.

I'd have drowned him!

Nah, shes a bitch, and BTW i never called Sree or Marcus creepy.

Lots did though VS

She has told him fairly and calmly.

Yes she did, and he accepted it fairly and calmly.

Yes he did... so why not leave it at that. He just keeps bringing it up even while she's in the bath.
Originally posted by lightfoot:
Originally posted by charmer:
Originally posted by Videostar:
He apologised to you, cant you just accept it and move on. Mad
to her next victim? Wink

I'm sure she will now she knows she was nominated.. Wink

I bet she's gob smacked! Her carefully worked out plan has gone awry. Mark my words she'll be sucking up to Freddie big time for the time being. She knew she was safe being aligned to him and thought it was time to move on ......she thought that criticising and being irritated with Freddie would make him a target (if she wants to win she know he needs to be got rid of). Silly, silly, silly stuck up snobbish cow.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by kazzy:
Its funny, when Marchus and Sree followed Noirin around they were called creepy.

Double standards much?

She wants a friggin bath in peace, is that too much to ask for. I think she has the patience of a Saint with Freddie.

I'd have drowned him!

No objections from her when Siavash was mumbling at hertalking to her, while she was having a bath. Hmmmm???
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by kazzy:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by kazzy:
Its funny, when Marchus and Sree followed Noirin around they were called creepy.

Double standards much?

She wants a friggin bath in peace, is that too much to ask for. I think she has the patience of a Saint with Freddie.

I'd have drowned him!

Nah, shes a bitch, and BTW i never called Sree or Marcus creepy.

Lots did though VS

She has told him fairly and calmly.

Yes she did, and he accepted it fairly and calmly.

I haven't watched yet since two nights ago so have to catch up but would i be right in thinking she engineers/sets up situations for him to walk into so she can start knocking him back?
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by kazzy:
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by kazzy:
Its funny, when Marchus and Sree followed Noirin around they were called creepy.

Double standards much?

She wants a friggin bath in peace, is that too much to ask for. I think she has the patience of a Saint with Freddie.

I'd have drowned him!

Nah, shes a bitch, and BTW i never called Sree or Marcus creepy.

Lots did though VS

She has told him fairly and calmly.

Yes she did, and he accepted it fairly and calmly.

I haven't watched yet since two nights ago so have to catch up but would i be right in thinking she engineers/sets up situations for him to walk into so she can start knocking him back?

If im being fair i think he walks into those situations himself without any help from Bea, BUT she doesn't half make a big deal out of it afterwards.

But she knocked him back and he took it very well and politely.
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Maybe, just maybe, Bea went in there thinking, 'poor liclke picked on Freddie' like many of the public did, and maybe, just maybe, now she's seeing him for what he really he is and why he drove so many people around the bend in the house?

I don't know.... you see a lot of people just genuinely like Freddie for the person and character he is and it has little to do with wanting to stand up for a "victim". I know there are a lot of people who will just automatically like underdogs but Freddie doesn't act like an underdog ie he isn't bemoaning his lot all the time or asking for constant reassurance about being universally liked.
He has a strong spirit and optimism and is just a nice person.

I think Bea went in and immediately forged a bond of faux kinderedness and went much too fast and strong with it. Poor Freddie was so happy with what he thought was a perfect union. If she had just been herself right from the beginning instead of putting on the whole act and got to know him equally along with all the others, things might be different.
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Maybe, just maybe, Bea went in there thinking, 'poor liclke picked on Freddie' like many of the public did, and maybe, just maybe, now she's seeing him for what he really he is and why he drove so many people around the bend in the house?

Or maybe she clung on long enough to get herself established and then moved on to phase two : discredit and humiliate Freddie ............. she knows he's popular - if she wants to win (which she does) she needs him out of the way.

i think she's played her hand far too soon though's all gone tits up.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by kazzy:
Its funny, when Marchus and Sree followed Noirin around they were called creepy.

Double standards much?

She wants a friggin bath in peace, is that too much to ask for. I think she has the patience of a Saint with Freddie.

I'd have drowned him!

She was happy to have a bathing twosome with Marcus! Likes deep throating,threesomes,orgies but irritated by Freddie who just wanted to apologise ConfusedThere again he has outgrown his use for her!....Hate to say it but Tom was right about her! She hoodwinked him and me and I dislike her more than Lisa and that is saying something... she is also more dangerous than Norin because she is very expert at assassinating a persons character with a few choice words and putting on the victim facade!Some say she is playing a goodgame,however i would ascertain that her game is anything but good!IMO
God I really despise her... I feel silly for feeling so strongly bout it but I cant help it !! She's such a manipulative scheming horrible nasty ass piece of work. Her behaviour there has actually made her appear physically ugly in my eyes. Wats really winding me up more is that her evil plans are actually working in that marcus and freddie actually nominated David. Im soooo pleased tho that she knows she would have been up for eviction... Rite evil cow she is
Originally posted by Soozy woo:
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Maybe, just maybe, Bea went in there thinking, 'poor liclke picked on Freddie' like many of the public did, and maybe, just maybe, now she's seeing him for what he really he is and why he drove so many people around the bend in the house?

Or maybe she clung on long enough to get herself established and then moved on to phase two : discredit and humiliate Freddie ............. she knows he's popular - if she wants to win (which she does) she needs him out of the way.

i think she's played her hand far too soon though's all gone tits up.

Maybe...wouldn't trust either of them as far as I could throw 'em
Originally posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally posted by Summer_Breeze:
I don't know.... you see a lot of people just genuinely like Freddie for the person and character he is .....

I don't know either, interests me that seems true as far as the viewers are concerned, but broadly untrue for the hms Confused

Yes, I agree. Once again he got votes from Sophie and Charlie. It seems so odd to me that they are really that strong with their dislike. All I can see is that the very things that cause some people to like him are the very things which cause the opposite in people of a different nature. The type of person who has no patience for certain characteristics must be the opposite type of person to those who have. I wonder if Sophie is nominating him because Kris didn't like him at all or whether she just genuinely can't stand him. I must say she hides her dislike quite well.
Originally posted by kazzy:
Its funny, when Marchus and Sree followed Noirin around they were called creepy.

Double standards much?

She wants a friggin bath in peace, is that too much to ask for. I think she has the patience of a Saint with Freddie.

I'd have drowned him!

He asked her if she would like to be alone. She said yes, he said OK and left. Later (while still having a bath) she was happy to let Siavash sit there and watch her. She did say Freddie was her favourite HM when she went in and later she snuggled up to him in bed. He looked surprised but pleased. Double standards? No! Just someone blowing hot and cold.
I can't stand the fact that she used the word "sleazy" in order to describe him Shake Head That really sucks. She might find some of the things he has said uncomfortable but he is so quick to apologize and so gentle about it that I think her use of certain words is just to grab maximum attention and cause the most debate.

She makes her voice slightly higher pitched and softens it when she wants to drive home something quite nasty when she is face to face with her opponent. It reminds me of that fairy tale about the wolf who swallowed chalk in order to deceive some lambs so that he could be trusted. This is so unlike her natural voice we hear scorching the walls in the diary room.
When she was painting Dave's face for the task and ever so softly speaking to him about her "feelings" I felt very angry. She really uses all the right methods in order to deceive people and make them be the ones to feel bad or guilty.

Edited to add:

... and after seemingly smoothing things over with Dave which he seemed more than happy to do - she went into the diary room at a later point and completely slated the man yet again and used all the same old adages as before... gluttony, butting into conversations, yorkshire pudding... and absolutely nothing about how glad she was that they had come to some sort of truce or agreement. What is her problem? She obviously doesn't care one way or the other about anything to do with dave, she's made that more than clear so to fabricate nonsense to his face about being concerned that he was "snapping" at her and all of that other bollocks about him saying "good" when she told him he was horrible, is the pits.
She has long been waiting for an excuse to lay into Dave who is a very easy target and to call him fat, useless and other derogatory things behind his back whilst "sweetly" talking to his face as though she is some victim of bullying is just despicable.
Last edited {1}
Originally posted by Tayto:
I agree. Freddie's not sleezy.
She's a very clever girl and picks her words so carefully that she can put the blame back on the other person.
To give her her due (and I don't like her) I don't think she actually said Freddie was sleazy, just that some things he said SOUNDED a bit sleazy to her. Of course she was probably hoping that people would infer that if someone said something sleazy then they must be sleazy within themselves. Smiler
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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