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Corin's been gagging for it for ages, Zochi. Whether he genuinely likes him or just wants a bit of attention in the way Josie's getting some I don't know, I think JJ2's now of the opinion of sod it, when in Rome and all that. And he could do a lot worse than Corin, I think she's really pretty and looks after herself, she's just a bit too unnatural!
People in there have been telling Corin since week 1 that she looks better without all that slap, but she clings to it like a security blanket, bless her.
She reckons her outside relationship is already over because her GF wasn't on her message from home, and it sounds like it was rocky before she entered the house.
So if she fancies a bit of fun and can get it, good luck to her!
I agree Deman. But she's forever checking herself in the mirror, goes to sleep in her make-up...she's too obsessed, and sorry to say, she looks at least 10 years older than she is ( I honestly thought she was early 40's) and mutton dressed as lamb (moreso in the beginning).

I had a female boss once who was like that - the difference was she was in her mid 40's but was desperately trying to defy natural age. It took her 3 YEARS before her husband saw her without make-up, she'd get up at 5am to wash last night's make-up off and re-apply a new lot so her then BF wouldn't see her eau naturale. Could you be bothered?!

Zochi, I have only heard him talk about Corin's lils (and how they look ridiculous), haven't heard owt else (and elloooo xx)
I agree Deman. But she's forever checking herself in the mirror, goes to sleep in her make-up...she's too obsessed, and sorry to say, she looks at least 10 years older than she is ( I honestly thought she was early 40's) and mutton dressed as lamb (moreso in the beginning).
Flippineck, I just turned 45 and the OH says I look younger than Corin  I do, too. And so does Jo (41).

She needs to eat a few more pies and ditch the tan and heavy makeup, because neither do her any favours. I really like Corin, but don't ever ask me to let her give me a makeover.
So if she fancies a bit of fun and can get it, good luck to her!
She fancies a bit of JJ2 but he doesn't fancy anything about her at all! He just reckons it's his meal ticket for a while as she hasn't been nominated or substituted in the S&R. 
Zochi, I have only heard him talk about Corin's lils (and how they look ridiculous), haven't heard owt else

Well, he's been big in the JJ1 and Josie coven Karms, and has said stuff to them which weren't  too complimentary about Corin.
He just reckons it's his meal ticket for a while
That's what I think too. I have a feeling Corin's gonna get hurt with this one cos I'm thinking more that she genuinely likes him.

and has said stuff to them which weren't too complimentary about Corin.
Oh what a little shit And now he's lying in bed with her and her baps like the village gigolo? I can't STAND men who do that, laugh about a woman to others and make out the woman is the one who's doing all the chasing and next thing look at him tucked up in bed with her.
Yes she has, she's survived a couple of evictions.
True Dems. You're right.  What I meant was she had survived so far and he may think she's a safer haven at the moment.

Earlier on LF she practically begged him to sleep in her bed..I could tell he didn't want to, but because the others were goading him, he kinda styled it out like he wanted to/
Fair enough Kams. I didn't see that.

Must pay a bit more attention to this even this late!
Zochi I don't think I wrote that? (or did I - I cant remember )

Yep Deman she has been going on how he's fit, and I think the only one who really knew the extent of how much is Jo (and us, cos we've seen her bending Jo's ears for ages over it on LF). I dont know how much more has happened with the rest though, but I dont think she'll mind in the least about being ribbed for it cos it could help move things along a bit for both of them. Put it this way, if JJ2 minded and didn't want anyone getting the wrong idea he wouldn't be lying in bed with his arm round her and playing with her hair.

Saying that I wouldn't be surprised if tomorrow he's telling JJ1 that they're just friends and he's not interested
I don't think Joe-James and Mario have a particular chemistry.
I do think Joe-James has some aspects about him which might be considered gay.
On the other hand he said tonight that the last person he would want a massage from would be Mario.
But that in itself is interesting. Because he might say that and mean it sincerely, but he might also say it as a red herring or distraction; to deflect attention or suspicion. Many gay men feel gay internally, but feel compelled to deny it publicly.
His 2 ear studs and some of his glidy-slidy movements could suggest "he is light on his feet" (to coin a phrase.)
I shall continue  monitoring.....
I shall continue  monitoring.....
Thanks brisket. 

It's just his friendship with JJ1 and Josie has been particularly strange to me. I think JJ2 wants to protect JJ1 and knows the best way to do that is by supporting Romeo and Juliet.

And thanks Dems! I will decommision that idea of yours if you don't mind! *rubs olive oil on burn cos doesn't have anything else atm.*  
Reference Liverpoollass Today at 08:35:
I don't trust JJ2 at all. I find it suspicious that as soon as he arrived, he has aligned himself with Josie and JJ. He has hardly interacted with the others and everywhere those two are, he seems to be
It's been his gameplan from the very start. In an interview before entering the house (which was shown on BBLB), JJ said straight-out that his plan was to be best mates with John James before the week was out. IIRC, it was JJ who let it slip that John James was favourite. Either way, no prizes for guessing why he wanted to stick to John James...

As for Josie: as others have pointed out, supporting the no-mance would be the easiest way of integrating himself with John James.

As gameplans go, you have to say it's worked brilliantly: he's as safe as houses in there. The downside is he's also largely invisible, and Corin's probably the only way he can increase his profile...
Eugene's Lair
 Corin's probably the only way he can increase his profile...
Yup and he knew who was popular with the public when he went in and that's who he is making sure he aligns himself with. I v much doubt that Corin is the type of girl that he would fancy in rl....oh noes here we go again, puuurrlllease let's not have another John James and Josie situation
I have no problem with Game Playing - that's what it's all about. Ben & JJ were sparing partners and had a sly grin at each other when the 'argument' was finished.  
I think the friendship with the JJs would have happened naturally anyway because they are very similar.  
I heard Corin beg JJ to share her bed last night and he was very uncomfortable about it. So long as the Game Play doesn't end up hurting anyone especially Corin it's fine with me.

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