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Reference: Yogi
Chicken, IMO, you have been very brave. You were afraid to go to see your doctor - but you did it. You didn't think you could tell the doctor how bad you were feeling - but you did it. You were able to confide in your parents, even though you found it difficult. You arranged to see a counsellor. You are taking your medication. That doesn't sound like anything to be ashamed of, it sounds like a young man who has accepted he has problems and is doing his best to get well.
Yogi makes a very good point here!

it takes guts to do stuff like go and see the doctor, tell parents this stuff etc when you are afraid to!

I am 40 Chicken....   and I bottled doing any of that!  (about 5 years ago)..    I 

So... you are doing really well...  and I have immense respect for you for pushing down your fear and doing these things!     

Giving in to your fears is a crippling thing...  facing up to them and overcoming them is empowering 

So... like others have said, try not to think about stuff too much, certainly not worrying about the future kinda stuff (pointless really...  even the best laid plans can go tits up... for even the most organised person)..  be kind to yourself...  
Reference: Brishet
Veggie -I don't wish to intervene in your chat with Chicken - but just to let you know that Chicken has previously said that he did go to see the student counsellor and has regular appointments
No probs hun and thanks. Is the student counsellor  the same as seeing a counsellor at the hospital/clinic though? If they are just a general 'helping students settle in etc etc' type of person as opposed to someone who is qualified to deal with mental health problems then I'm not sure that they will be the right type of help for Chicken.

I speak from bitter experience of how difficult it is to get any sort of help not just the right sort of help and I'm not maligning counsellors who do that sort of work it's just that Chicken has been depressed and anxious for so long (from what he has posted) that he really needs some intensive help
Reference: Veggie
Is the student counsellor the same as seeing a counsellor at the hospital/clinic though? If they are just a general 'helping students settle in etc etc' type of person as opposed to someone who is qualified to deal with mental health problems then I'm not sure that they will be the right type of help for Chicken.
Good thoughts Veggie.

I can only suggest that in my experience student counsellors invariably have some qualifications - although perhaps not as much as a qualified hospital person.

However Chicken's first appointment with the student counsellor did result in Chicken making his first appointment with his own doctor.  So perhaps, as a sort of back-up resource and support it is having a useful effect. 
Hey guys , its chicken here

I couldnt remember my email address and password for CCM account so ill be on this one from now on!

Also , I found it hard to find you guys whats with the new layout?!

Im goood thank you! Thank you all for the lovely messages! Im home for the holidays now! So glad that term is over!!!

Im off on holiday for christmas wednesday!! Going to a big country house in suffolk , gunna be 20 of us! CANT WAIT!!

How have you all been? Missed you!

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