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My nephew is visiting with his partner and two children. OMG - no parenting skilss between them at all. The kids are a bl***dy nightmare. Such a shame to see my nephew behaving to his kids in the same apalling way his father (my sisters ex) behaved to him very sad.


To top it all - the little one has a tummy bug  and has vomited BIG TIME - all over my newish carpet. Her mum said this morning 'I'm gonna starve her all day' dinner time she said 'i may just give her some dry toast' I went to put some bread in the toaster and she said 'No it's all right I'll just give her some of this bread' There was a baguette on the table but no ......................she gave her the garlic bread 


I find it incredibly sad - they haven't a clue and's been a nightmare!


Apologies for rambling ......................I can't even blame the alcohol - I haven't had a drink in a week (such an achievement for me) - turned me into a miserable, hyper critical old cow!

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Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

My nephew is visiting with his partner and two children. OMG - no parenting skilss between them at all. The kids are a bl***dy nightmare. Such a shame to see my nephew behaving to his kids in the same apalling way his father (my sisters ex) behaved to him very sad.


To top it all - the little one has a tummy bug  and has vomited BIG TIME - all over my newish carpet. Her mum said this morning 'I'm gonna starve her all day' dinner time she said 'i may just give her some dry toast' I went to put some bread in the toaster and she said 'No it's all right I'll just give her some of this bread' There was a baguette on the table but no ......................she gave her the garlic bread 


I find it incredibly sad - they haven't a clue and's been a nightmare!


Apologies for rambling ......................I can't even blame the alcohol - I haven't had a drink in a week (such an achievement for me) - turned me into a miserable, hyper critical old cow!

Oh crikey Sooz! I don't know what to say 

Suzy! We people of the top generation should tell it as it is! I had to pick up my eldest grandson from a "sleepover" this morning. It left him in a totally grumpy, contrary, surly mood. I've no idea where all that sleepover shieght started. It's one thing having a friend to stay, but having a hoard of young 10 yo lads to stay in one house hasn't worked for him.
Garage Joe
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
Suzy! We people of the top generation should tell it as it is! I had to pick up my eldest grandson from a "sleepover" this morning. It left him in a totally grumpy, contrary, surly mood. I've no idea where all that sleepover shieght started. It's one thing having a friend to stay, but having a hoard of young 10 yo lads to stay in one house hasn't worked for him.

My grand son is 10 - i let him have a sleep over with three friends for his birthday. They made it a mission to stay awake all night. They seem to do this at every sleep over - we've put a stop to it now until they can be a bit more sensible. It wrecks their weekend and makes them tired and irritable for days.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Ells:

I find it very strange that people who had a hard childhood end up doing the same things to their own children.  I know it's very hard to change who you are but if you choose to have kids then surely you hope for the best for them and usually would want to make sure they have a better life than you did.

I know I feel the same. His two sisters are absolutely brilliant mums - I fear my nephew is a lost cause. I find it soooooo upsetting as it broke my heart to see how horrible his own father was to him. I'm so shocked TBH.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Renton:

Be honest - you're itching to tell them they're crap?

Not at all. Both Mr Woo and I are trying to just set a bit of an example .......we've spent time playing with the kids today and my boys have been here too. Interestingly my nephew was saying last night what a great Dad he always thought Mr woo was and said he was always surprised that he never smacked our kids. He went on to say - I did try but ...........J is so naughty smacking is the only thing that works with him. I just said ...........well quite clearly it isn't working is it? J is in trouble at pre school for hitting other children ......................I wonder why? I feel really upset by this .............the boy was talking to himself earlier saying 'stop pulling J's hair - that's naughty - it hurts'. I looked at his mum and she smiled and shrugged and said 'oh he's always doing that'. CRIKEY  there's trouble looming.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Ells:

I find it very strange that people who had a hard childhood end up doing the same things to their own children.  I know it's very hard to change who you are but if you choose to have kids then surely you hope for the best for them and usually would want to make sure they have a better life than you did.

I know I feel the same. His two sisters are absolutely brilliant mums - I fear my nephew is a lost cause. I find it soooooo upsetting as it broke my heart to see how horrible his own father was to him. I'm so shocked TBH.

My brother in law is the same, he had a shit upbringing (caused by the evil da) yet his 3 brothers (my OH included) are great fellas and have made it their goal to give their kids everything they never of the list being LOVE!  Yet this one brother is a replica of the da.  My own sister is another, we had a pretty good upbringing and although we didn't have money our Mum would have sold her soul to make sure we felt loved and had food on the table yet my sister could care less about her kids and they are a terrible nuisance to her yet she is having kids left right and centre!



Originally Posted by nuts:

I know it sounds harsh Sooz, but maybe they need to be reported somewhere? I dunno. I'm not an expert  It just seems to me (from the outside) that they need some kind of a kick up the pants 

TBH ..............although it's bad's relative. I don't think it's bad enough to report it's just ignorance .................I don't believe he's beating him. i do agree they need help though.

Soozy Woo

Ah Sooz, I remember being far more judgmental about parenting skills when I was a youngster(ish). Now, I'm just happy that it's someone else's kids, or other parents, getting it wrong!


Funnily enough, Mr Blizz was moaning about our 20 year old son today, while his parents were here, and was just about to say how he was like my side of the family (as he always does   and they started spouting out loads of stories about his misdeamenours at a similar age. I just sat there saying, "Oh, who's he like?" 


It'll all come out in the wash, as they say. 

Maybe even the carpet! 


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