I have had a read back gone over the evidence gathered so far and drunk a load of grog and have some questions, or they may be ramblin's, who knows??
Right,the note about the dagger says that the whole of the Santa Armada treasure had the curse on it. Has any of this treasure gone missin'? Were the compass and maps part of the treasure or not?
Warren Peace, how long had ye been a travellin' with the deceased? Were ye on board when he bought Cassy and the posh bloke who ain't a posh bloke on board? Oh, and ye say those plotters be a whisperin', so how did ye know what they be a sayin'?
Yu Lie, will ye please tell us why there be a warrant for yer arrest? And why be ye so worried that the ship night sink? Be ye a cowardly landlubber??
Lance, be ye rich or be ye poor. If ye be poor then be yer master rich or poor? I know he be a Duke or summat, but be he a rich Duke?
I be thunked out know and needin' more grog. Mebbe I should eat, but I ain't at all sure about that there cook.