Ah have neveh been so offended in all mah life. You make me sound so verreh heartless and Ah am not. Ah have only eveh wanted the best for mahself, that is all. And when you look at the lengths this sordid lot were prepared to go to to get there filthy hands on that treasure, then they are far worse than me. All Ah eveh did was take what Ah felt Ah had paid for.
Listen up lassie Anyone that boarded the Blackbird was never goin' t' be a pillar of society. Some of us can own up t' what we have done, some will not and that's the way of being a pirate or associating with them. So don't be gettin' all snooty with me, ye be Freeport's equivalent to Fagan... ye may not have heard of him, he be before yer time