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I had 2 or 3 calls a day from a Company that had had my details passed on to them (Dorothy Perkins actually) went on for weeks, I told them each time to take me off their calling list, they didn't....they still kept ringing.....grrrrr... you can imagine, it gets bloody annoying as I had made it quite clear I wasn't interested in buying anything else, I was at work and couldn't talk, they were quite rude, talking over me "So you don't want to save money then" blah, blah, the end I asked them where they were, to which he replied "work", I asked him where the bloody hell he thought I was during the day, and to stop ringing!!!!! Big Grin
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by Dean0Mac:
Do you have a driveway/gate before the front door? If so... Put an A2 Sign on the gate with a notice that if that person does knock (upon reading the sign) the police will be called for harrassment - I'm pretty sure there is some form of law on door to door soliciting esp' if there's a no solicitation sign up.

If not just go around to one of your neighbours who has a really vicious sounding dog and tape it. Connect said tape to the doorbell but also leave the player by the front door. And make sure to play the tape when anyone knocks on the door.
No we don't actually Dean Frowner It would be handy if we did. Also, we don't have a doorbell to attach any dog noise to. Although I am sure the daft buggars would bloody knock anyway!!! Trouble is if we do do anything vaguely nasty, they know where we live, but we don't know where 'they' live. Question is, is it regarded as 'harrassment' when you have TOLD them not to knock? And yes I think I WILL contact the charity where they told the woman to knock anyway.
When i first met my husband he had a wood door with a tiny window at the top of the door, he told me he had a lot of people knocking and he hated it when he opened it and it was people with survey's or selling something, so i told him to change the windows front and back and get the front door free, i know it's a lot of money just to get a door to see who's there, but he had them windows forever, anyway we have stained glass doors now and if no one calls us before coming we don't open the door and we can see who's at the door, we open it to the postman he wears the bright orange or red coat, but to anyone else we don't, so get a glass door Laugh
when your hubby is sleeping take the batteries out of the doorbell and pad the knocker..

then ignore them.. don't hide.. just got about your business..

or.. each time they call get their details and a phone number to call.. call their company/boss/whoever is in charge (or better still if you can get an email addy email them) and tell them in no uncertain terms that they are not welcome on your property and you do not expect to see one of their representatives again..
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
LOL, thanks Merc, but I am still wondering if there is any bye-law, that says that it is harrassment if they knock when we have put a sign telling them not to...

I don't know about the legalities, sorry.

Look, as they're wasting your time but your hubby still answers the door to them, why not
take down their details and call their organisation/supervisor anyway?

I did this with phone calls: I asked for the supervisor and then told them in no uncertain terms
that I insisted they stopped calling...OR ELSE. Barclays, Vodafone and some window company all
left me alone after that.

Time consuming, but it may get you the peace you want. Smiler
I usually answer the door in just my boxers if I think it's the JWs ie. Saturday mid-morning. I guess it's quite difficult to talk about god and the meaning of life when confronted by that. I even started flirted with two lovely young American mormons, who looked quite distressed after that. Ninja

I went through a phase of opening the door, shouting **** OFF!!!, and shutting the door again but I've got bored of doing that.
When my children were babies (I have 4) the whole family came down with D & V. There was a knock on the door and it was one of those 'reformed lads' selling stuff, he kept banging on the door and I eventually made it to open it, I said 'oh please go away, not interested', and he started to get really nasty, in the end he threatened to punch me Eeker and said he was going to get his mates to come round and sort my babies out. I have never been so scared in my life. I rang the police and they caught them, apparently the youths target an area and come down 'en masse', they went to court and was released with a caution.
I never answer unwanted visitors...they can knock till the cows come home but I will not open the door. It was instilled in us since we were little.

Just ignore...nothing else you can do.

Last month, I was having my dinner about 5ish with my son....the door knocked loudly...I ignored.... it knocked loudly again (was slightly wound up by now) but I ignored cos I didn't recognise the man. I decided to look further up the road just to see if there was some sort of vehicle he has travelled in. About 10 yards from my house I saw a van that read 'Pollenation'....a florist!Red Face My daughter had gone to town after school, went to a florist and ordered flowers for our wedding anniversary.....first time ever.Big Grin

So you never know Cheeky...Wink
(Public Nuisance, Civil and Criminal)

Public Nuisance Civil and Criminal Anti-social Behaviour Orders Articles and Reports on Anti-social Behaviour Case Law on Anti-social Behaviour Harassment and Housing Statutory and Noise Nuisance Anti-social Training and Legal Services

Though the phrase Anti-social behaviour is a modern one, behaviour which causes harassment to neighbourhoods and communities rather than just individuals is an age old problem which for centuries has been dealt with by the law of Public Nuisance. This is an ancient area of the common law and behaviour which constitutes a Public Nuisance is both a Crime and a Tort (a civil wrong). What that means is that, depending on the facts the Police can prosecute an individual or a group of individuals for the crime of public nuisance and/or Local Councils can obtain Injunctions.
Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Sorry to pester you lovely folk again with one of my silly problems. I have a trivial, but very annoying problem and don't know what to do about it.

Me and my hubby get incessantly irritated by people knocking the door (who we don't know,) trying to sell us something, trying to get us to switch to their energy supplier, trying to get us to turn to their religion, or begging for some charity or other. (We give to three charities through our bank, and certainly would not sign up to anything or give anything at the door anyway.) It is especially annoying if we are in the middle of tea, and have both been at work, and we just want peace. But sometimes it's in the day too!

We can walk away from them in Sainsburys or in the town centre, but it's a gross invasion of privacy when it's at your home, and they are on your damn doorstep! Plus if you're rude to them, they know where you live!

So we put up a sign about a year ago:



We do not disturb you in your home, so please do not disturb us in ours...

For a while it worked, and no-one knocked, but for this past two or three months, people have started to knock again, despite the sign being there. It has happened SEVEN times in the last four weeks alone now!

My pal thinks it's because some people are so desperate for the work, or the business, because of the recession, that they are taking their chances and hoping someone will reply and they will get a sale anyway. My opinion is that if they KNOW there is a recession, why bother people, when they must KNOW that folk can hardly afford to pay their mortgage, let alone afford a new conservatory/a new porch/new windows/doors/kitchens/soffits/ or to give to charity etc etc etc...

Moreover, there is a large A4 sign in the door, stating clearly they should not knock! Another problem is; my husband works nights every second week - and on three occasions in the past couple of weeks alone, they have knocked, sometimes two or three times, and woken him when he is asleep, (after his night shift.) This is NOT FUNNY. It's giving him broken sleep.

It's a real bugbear for us, but what else can we do other than put the bloody sign up?

My hubby answered the door last week, and before they could speak, he said 'why did you knock?' and the one woman (a charity collector,) said 'I have been told to knock the door anyway, even if there is a sign saying not to!' We were gobsmacked!

Another TWO who my hubby answered the door to, (2 weeks ago,) said they 'didn't see the sign until they had knocked.' It's an A4 sign in the biggest font you can get, and you can spot the sign from halfway down the damn road, so no WAY did they 'not see it,' before they knocked!

I have told my hubby to not answer when someone knocks, as we can see if it's someone we know from a side window that looks onto the front door. So I said 'when it's someone we don't know, don't answer.' But he still answers! And then asks them why they knocked, or just stands there blankly, then says 'no, thank you.'

Any advice? Thanks folks. This is getting so bloody annoying now! Especially with waking up my hubby when he is asleep, after being at work at night...

maybe you could add to your sign "if you belong to one of the above groups then you are trespassing, we report trespassers to the police"

you never know, that might just convince them not to knock.

i wouldnt dream of suggesting that you just "happened" to take that moment to throw out some old soapy bathwater from an upstairs window, since you planned on brushing down the area around your front door (assuming that they are standing somewhere you could hit from an upstairs window)Big Grin

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