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Originally posted by MoFo:
Oh bluddy hell WTF!?!? Why are ofcom getting complaints about this being shown....if it wasnt shown they'd be getting complaints too.

Some people shouldnt be allowed access to the tv, phone or internet when BB is on.

You're obviously not dead perfect because you seem to have no compassion or empathy.
Originally posted by Marguerita:
I felt sorry for him it was horrible watching her but he did overeact a bit, I just wish people would stop phoning ofcom its no wonder we dont get LF they never phoned last week when Bea and Freddie and Marcus was ganging up on David .. and Lisa.

Hiya Marguerita Hug

I don't think Freddie was overreacting,he was broken down emotionally by Bea and her nagging on and on and he must have felt so let down by somebody he saw as a friend,the highlights last night didn't do justice to the horrible woman's rant at Freddie when they were in bed,it went on for ages.

I didn't phone Ofcom but if people felt the need to do that then more power to them,it must have affected people to see someone in such an emotional state like,it really upset me.

There was a big difference between last night's argument and last weeks,that was an argument and i agree that Freddie handled it badly but Lisa and David held their own and it was over quickly,last night Bea browbeat Freddie to the point of a breakdown.

Not having a go hun,just wanted to give my point of view,hope you're well Valentine
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by Pwillow:
It was so hard to watch BB tonight,seeing Freddie like that really got to me and for the first time ever during a BB i said i hated someone and that was Bea.

Horrible to watch her kick him when he was down then carry on kicking him over and over,vile woman.

HugPwillow....It was sickening horrible to watch ....I got so stressed I got buzzing in my ears....I can't begin to imagine how Freddy felt being so close to that mare.

Hiya Lee,hope you're well Hug

I had steam coming out my ears,Bea is one cruel woman and as you said it must have been worse for Freddie,he had nowhere to go to get away from her! Mad
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by stupidcupid:
I like Freddie as much as the next person but the only thing wrong with him is that he fancied Bea like crazy and he just can't handle the fact that she is not the person who he originally thought she was and that she doesn't indeed fancy him.
Like Marcus says"its a game show".
He should get over her and the fact that hes not as astute as he thought he was

You haven't answered my question. If it was a bloke mentally and emotionally abusing a woman, would you still have the same opinion and say she should "get over it"? There is such a thing as having empathy for someone, and I defy anyone out there who has a heart, not to have felt for him in tonight's HL show. If there are folk out there who still think Freddy is in the wrong and Bea is in the right, then I despair of mankind.
No you are right.
I deplore the way that Bea behaved towards Freddie but I suppose that I'm a little disappointed in him that he was taken in by her in the first place.
I'm wondering if he feels the same and that is why he is cracking up.
What I really want is for Freddie to get a good nights sleep ,wake up and realise that he has been taken in by a prize bitch and come to his senses. Nod Thumbs Up
Originally posted by WILDER X:
I felt sorry for him it was horrible watching her but he did overeact a bit, I just wish people would stop phoning ofcom its no wonder we dont get LF they never phoned last week when Bea and Freddie and Marcus was ganging up on David .. and Lisa.

Well Said.
Freddie fans I bet phoning ofcom

Hi Wilder Wave Hug

I'm a Freddie fan but i never phoned Ofcom but it did upset me a lot seeing that.
Originally posted by *KG*:
Originally posted by stupidcupid:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by stupidcupid:
Why would anyone complain to ofcom about tonights hls?
I'm not surprised bb is dying a long slow death. Nod

Possibly because some people don't like to watch a man being emotionally destroyed for our entertainment. If it was a bloke doing it to a woman, would you have the same opinion?
I like Freddie as much as the next person but the only thing wrong with him is that he fancied Bea like crazy and he just can't handle the fact that she is not the person who he originally thought she was and that she doesn't indeed fancy him.
Like Marcus says"its a game show".
He should get over her and the fact that hes not as astute as he thought he was
What a load of old TOSS! Roll Eyes WTF has 'being astute' got to do with being broken-hearted and then trashed by the very 'object of your affections?'

What planet are you on? Do you think or believe that clever people don't get their hearts broken?

Emotions are completely seperate from intelligence - its a flaw of being human and when we manage to overcome this, we'll continue this conversation.
I'm on planet earth actually.
Hes only known her a couple of weeks for Roll Eyes
If bea was ranting and raving and f ing and blinding to him and you know screaming yelling the way others have done or getting physical or threatening

They would have called her in and different story with a warning etc,but she done it in a cool calm way not raising her voice not threatening etc and what could bb do really

Bea is too smart to loose her cool like others have.

Then when rod told her he was crying she all concerned got marcus to go and help him

Fred was quite happy last night on live feed not excusing her but she knows what way to play that game.
Originally posted by *KG*:
Originally posted by rosgirl:
good - she should be added to the evictions on friday as a punishment - except C4 want to get rid of marcus
Zactly! They're just pissed off because he second-guesses them all the time and calls them all the wankers that they actually are! Laugh

GO MARCUS! Thumbs Up Cool

spot on I LOVE him for that and I hope he takes no shit from McCall on Friday as well,
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Marguerita:
I felt sorry for him it was horrible watching her but he did overeact a bit, I just wish people would stop phoning ofcom its no wonder we dont get LF they never phoned last week when Bea and Freddie and Marcus was ganging up on David .. and Lisa.

I know we all feel and react differently to what goes on in the house, and oftentimes it relates to whether we like a particular HM or not.

Ok, I like Freddie, and felt very upset at seeing how everything of the last few days had finally got to him, especially with Bea. I feel he genuinely feels misunderstood and thought the recent build up was a natural reaction coming to the surface, not an over reaction inasmuch he was faking it.

I felt the same empathy and understanding for Rodrigo when recently called into the DR after yet another of Charlie's stupid games and Rodrigo felt angry and humiliated and refused to sit in the chair, I totally understood that.

If Lisa or David had reacted to Freddie's comments the other night in the same way Freddie felt emotionally in tonight's HL's I'd have understood that as well even though they're nowhere near my favourites. I guess we all have different reactions, no blame etc on my part, I guess I'm just soft when I see anyone emotionally upset
Yellow Rose
Originally posted by WILDER X:
Hi Wilder

I'm a Freddie fan but i never phoned Ofcom but it did upset me a lot seeing that.

Hi pwillow. Hope you are well.
I never saw the hls tonight.
But it sounds awful.

I'm good thanks,hope you are too Hug

I know you're not a Freddie fan but it was horrible seeing Freddie like that,Bea is vile,she browbeat and nagged him until he fell apart,i really hope she's up next week,i'd break my voting ban to get her out!
Originally posted by stupidcupid:
Originally posted by *KG*:
Originally posted by stupidcupid:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by stupidcupid:
Why would anyone complain to ofcom about tonights hls?
I'm not surprised bb is dying a long slow death. Nod

Possibly because some people don't like to watch a man being emotionally destroyed for our entertainment. If it was a bloke doing it to a woman, would you have the same opinion?
I like Freddie as much as the next person but the only thing wrong with him is that he fancied Bea like crazy and he just can't handle the fact that she is not the person who he originally thought she was and that she doesn't indeed fancy him.
Like Marcus says"its a game show".
He should get over her and the fact that hes not as astute as he thought he was
What a load of old TOSS! Roll Eyes WTF has 'being astute' got to do with being broken-hearted and then trashed by the very 'object of your affections?'

What planet are you on? Do you think or believe that clever people don't get their hearts broken?

Emotions are completely seperate from intelligence - its a flaw of being human and when we manage to overcome this, we'll continue this conversation.
I'm on planet earth actually.
Hes only known her a couple of weeks for Roll Eyes

Same as Siavash & noirin, but he got sympathy!!!

With Freddie, I suspect he is more hurt over her Friendship than any romantic notions he had for her! Big Grin
The Devil In Diamante
Originally posted by slimfern:
Does Bea or any of the others for that matter understand about Freddies condition?

what condition? Dyslexia? FGS ......both my husband and oldest son are Dyslexic but we certainly dont walk on eggshells. Laugh

bea has been a really nasty bitch but ..................OFCOM Confused Why? Frddie needs to grow a pair and tell her in no uncertain terms to eff off.
Soozy Woo
I'm sorry, but Big Brother is reality tv. It shows the good and bad in people. People get on and then they fall out.

Bea was cold and calculating yes, Freddie was ultra sensitive to this and overreacted. This has only been considered 'bullying' because of Freddie's reaction.

If he cannot deal with that sort of relatively non aggressive confrontation but is quite willing to judge others harshly (he thought it was justifiable to socially isolate Noirin - but that's ok) then he clearly isn't mentally prepared for the show.

Its about perspective and I think some people have seriously lost their sense of perspective on this one. There are far more serious things to worry about. OFCOM, oh dear, why don't you just ask for the show to be replaced by a re-run of the Waltons.

This is reality tv, some of it will be unpleasant from time to time.
I know you're not a Freddie fan but it was horrible seeing Freddie like that,Bea is vile,she browbeat and nagged him until he fell apart,i really hope she's up next week,i'd break my voting ban to get her out!

I fine thannks.
Never took to her from the start.
Knew she was not be be trusted.
Hope freddie survives this friday. I can see marcus going.
Ofcom? Pur-lease! Yes, she is class A bitch, and I felt a bit sorry for him - but I think it's a bit of an over-reaction to report it to Ofcom. It's a game show FFS, and since when has Ofcom been responsible for over emotional blokes falling in love with some floozie in a matter of days? (I count them all in that btw, not just Freddie - I'm sure there's something in the water in that house)
Originally posted by Forest:
I'm sorry, but Big Brother is reality tv. It shows the good and bad in people. People get on and then they fall out.

Bea was cold and calculating yes, Freddie was ultra sensitive to this and overreacted. This has only been considered 'bullying' because of Freddie's reaction.

If he cannot deal with that sort of relatively non aggressive confrontation but is quite willing to judge others harshly (he thought it was justifiable to socially isolate Noirin - but that's ok) then he clearly isn't mentally prepared for the show.

Its about perspective and I think some people have seriously lost their sense of perspective on this one. There are far more serious things to worry about. OFCOM, oh dear, why don't you just ask for the show to be replaced by a re-run of the Waltons.

This is reality tv, some of it will be unpleasant from time to time.

I totally agree Forest....very well put Clapping
Originally posted by jennywren:
Originally posted by MoFo:
Oh bluddy hell WTF!?!? Why are ofcom getting complaints about this being shown....if it wasnt shown they'd be getting complaints too.

Some people shouldnt be allowed access to the tv, phone or internet when BB is on.

You're obviously not dead perfect because you seem to have no compassion or empathy.
Er excuse me? Not sure why you are getting personal - I just think if someone is being a twat on there its worse if they DONT show it - theres enough talk about biased editting.

Oh and by the way **** off.
Originally posted by WILDER X:
I know you're not a Freddie fan but it was horrible seeing Freddie like that,Bea is vile,she browbeat and nagged him until he fell apart,i really hope she's up next week,i'd break my voting ban to get her out!

I fine thannks.
Never took to her from the start.
Knew she was not be be trusted.
Hope freddie survives this friday. I can see marcus going.

Glad you're fine Smiler

Cheers Wilder Hug

I never took to her from the start either,i knew she'd drag Freddie down,i can see Marcus going friday now too Nod

Changing the subject,your boy Roddy was good tonight too,telling Bea Freddie was upset,he's got a good heart has Rodrigo,he just needs to stay away from that Charlie!

My younger sis loves Rodrigo Smiler
Originally posted by Baz:
Originally posted by Forest:
I'm sorry, but Big Brother is reality tv. It shows the good and bad in people. People get on and then they fall out.

Bea was cold and calculating yes, Freddie was ultra sensitive to this and overreacted. This has only been considered 'bullying' because of Freddie's reaction.

If he cannot deal with that sort of relatively non aggressive confrontation but is quite willing to judge others harshly (he thought it was justifiable to socially isolate Noirin - but that's ok) then he clearly isn't mentally prepared for the show.

Its about perspective and I think some people have seriously lost their sense of perspective on this one. There are far more serious things to worry about. OFCOM, oh dear, why don't you just ask for the show to be replaced by a re-run of the Waltons.

This is reality tv, some of it will be unpleasant from time to time.

I totally agree Forest....very well put Clapping

yeah let's campaign for reruns of The Waltons, i love that show Thumbs Up
I never took to her from the start either,i knew she'd drag Freddie down,i can see Marcus going friday now too

Changing the subject,your boy Roddy was good tonight too,telling Bea Freddie was upset,he's got a good heart has Rodrigo,he just needs to stay away from that Charlie!

Thanks pwillow.
I do like rodrigo.
I agree he should keep away from charlie.
I always go for the young ones, like glyn, twins, darnell, and now rodrigo.
Originally posted by strike:
Originally posted by Baz:
Originally posted by Forest:
I'm sorry, but Big Brother is reality tv. It shows the good and bad in people. People get on and then they fall out.

Bea was cold and calculating yes, Freddie was ultra sensitive to this and overreacted. This has only been considered 'bullying' because of Freddie's reaction.

If he cannot deal with that sort of relatively non aggressive confrontation but is quite willing to judge others harshly (he thought it was justifiable to socially isolate Noirin - but that's ok) then he clearly isn't mentally prepared for the show.

Its about perspective and I think some people have seriously lost their sense of perspective on this one. There are far more serious things to worry about. OFCOM, oh dear, why don't you just ask for the show to be replaced by a re-run of the Waltons.

This is reality tv, some of it will be unpleasant from time to time.

I totally agree Forest....very well put Clapping

yeah let's campaign for reruns of The Waltons, i love that show Thumbs Up

Me too one time (a few years ago) you couldn't move for Walton- Little House on the Prarire repeats ...............been sadly lacking for the last few years's all Gilmore girls. OC and friends. BRING BACK THE WALTONS ..........lack of Blue Ridge Mountain Good feeling is what's wrong with this country IMO.
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by WILDER X:
I never took to her from the start either,i knew she'd drag Freddie down,i can see Marcus going friday now too

Changing the subject,your boy Roddy was good tonight too,telling Bea Freddie was upset,he's got a good heart has Rodrigo,he just needs to stay away from that Charlie!

Thanks pwillow.
I do like rodrigo.
I agree he should keep away from charlie.
I always go for the young ones, like glyn, twins, darnell, and now rodrigo.

You're very welcome Wilder Smiler

Charlie knows what a threat Rodrigo is to him,and Rodrigo is genuine whereas Charlie is a total fake.

You supported all your past housemates brilliantly,i rememebr us being on the same side last year with Darnell Thumbs Up
If people want to contact OFCOM about the incidents in tonight's HLs, that is their own business. I will not be doing so.

But if Freddie was my son, and I was watching a similar verbal assassination of my son, I would certainly contact Channel4 and question them about how they intended to address his treatment and what they had put in place to make sure it would not happen again.

Bea was like a vixen attacking a chicken and it was uncomfortable to watch. It must have been even more uncomfortable for his parents to watch.
Twee Surgeon
You're very welcome Wilder

Charlie knows what a threat Rodrigo is to him,and Rodrigo is genuine whereas Charlie is a total fake.

You supported all your past housemates brilliantly,i rememebr us being on the same side last year with Darnell

Darnell was great housemate, but let himself down towards the end with that sara. He should of won but he blew it.
Samething happened this year with some of the favourites. One slip up and the fall from grace.
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
Yet no-one complained when Freddie TAUNTED Lisa about being up for eviction, I don't like the woman but that was also uncomfortable viewing Roll Eyes

I'm not completely defending what Bea said by the way.

Rawky wind your neck in. Freddie never behaved like Bea. If you can't see that, more fool you.
cologne 1
i despise B now - TOTALLY. How has she gone from hating 'that' crowd to totally humiliating Freddie (her best friend and 'bed buddy') in a couple of days??? She could have been subtle about it, but NO - she's moved beds, told him she doesnt want to be anywhere near him, moved her bed - and why???? WHY???? Because there's security in numbers Nod Devious bitch. To think I liked her n all. OK Freddie is no saint, but he IS compared to everyone else (except the Vash Big Grin) - but there is NO WAY he warrants the torrent of abuse that bitch is giving him Mad
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
I like Freddie too, but he did over-react and he does over-analyse everything. Glance

Finally we agree.. Valentine


I think it's the female 'I'm in a bad mood, let me moan about things', clashing with the male 'If I talk about this long enough, I'll find a solution to your bad mood' thing! Glance
Originally posted by Blizzie:
I think it's the female 'I'm in a bad mood, let me moan about things', clashing with the male 'If I talk about this long enough, I'll find a solution to your bad mood' thing! Glance

You've been there too huh. Ninja

Male, I wanna talk about it ALOT, it's what I do goddammit let me over analyse and get you to seeeeeee my point of view.. clashes with.. Female, oh bliddy go away, I don't want to talk to you, but if you make me I'm going to tell you EXACTLY how annoying you are and hopefully get you to see my point of view and/or make you bugger off..

It's an age old story Ninja
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
I think it's the female 'I'm in a bad mood, let me moan about things', clashing with the male 'If I talk about this long enough, I'll find a solution to your bad mood' thing! Glance

You've been there too huh. Ninja

Male, I wanna talk about it ALOT, it's what I do goddammit let me over analyse and get you to seeeeeee my point of view.. clashes with.. Female, oh bliddy go away, I don't want to talk to you, but if you make me I'm going to tell you EXACTLY how annoying you are and hopefully get you to see my point of view and/or make you bugger off..

It's an age old story Ninja
I think we should talk this theory through. Ninja

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