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I had one last night.It's like sparkling lights lights in the central vision field then it moves to the side of your vision. I usually just lie down with the lights off and wait for it to pass,usually about twenty minutes or so.I never get headaches after it.First time it happened to me was about twenty years ago,It was rather frightening the first time it happened,no idea what it was.Went to the doc who said see the optician,he described it the symptoms perfectly as he suffered the same! So there ya go had about six attacks in ten years...


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Originally Posted by Aimee:
Never had one of those but I do get migraines, I have to lie down in a dark room with no noise and keep still plus I'm usually sick with them as well, can take a few hours to pass and then afterwards I feel like I've just done 10 rounds, horrible things 

I used to get those type too Aimee.....the nausea was the worst .....and felt like a wrung out dish rag after !! Mine were hormone related though ....hrt sourted them out  

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

I had one last night.It's like sparkling lights lights in the central vision field then it moves to the side of your vision. I usually just lie down with the lights off and wait for it to pass,usually about twenty minutes or so.I never get headaches after it.First time it happened to me was about twenty years ago,It was rather frightening the first time it happened,no idea what it was.Went to the doc who said see the optician,he described it the symptoms perfectly as he suffered the same! So there ya go had about six attacks in ten years...


Mr B used to get them about once a year or so too Katty .....but ( touch wood) he's not had one for several years now ....

Originally Posted by kattymieoww:

I had one last night.It's like sparkling lights lights in the central vision field then it moves to the side of your vision. I usually just lie down with the lights off and wait for it to pass,usually about twenty minutes or so.I never get headaches after it.First time it happened to me was about twenty years ago,It was rather frightening the first time it happened,no idea what it was.Went to the doc who said see the optician,he described it the symptoms perfectly as he suffered the same! So there ya go had about six attacks in ten years...


 I've had them a few times, Katty, but not for ages.

I never got headaches either, just a horizontal zigzag line of sparkly lights.



A few years back I suffered the most horrendous of headaches which led me to lay on the floor bashing my head off it and vomiting in a bucket whilst crying that I wanted to kill myself (dramatic much?).  I had suffered migraine's for years but this was something much worse and nothing would take the pain away.  My partner had to ring A&E after a few hours because I had eaten so many painkillers he was worried I'd OD and they brought me in for a pain injection and said it was a cluster headache.  It was a really scary experience because I did actually believe at the time that dying would be better than the headache.  I never want to experience that again.

Originally Posted by Ells:

A few years back I suffered the most horrendous of headaches which led me to lay on the floor bashing my head off it and vomiting in a bucket whilst crying that I wanted to kill myself (dramatic much?).  I had suffered migraine's for years but this was something much worse and nothing would take the pain away.  My partner had to ring A&E after a few hours because I had eaten so many painkillers he was worried I'd OD and they brought me in for a pain injection and said it was a cluster headache.  It was a really scary experience because I did actually believe at the time that dying would be better than the headache.  I never want to experience that again.



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