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Did anyone watch the programme on Ch4 earlier. The hoarders who hadn't cleaned their homes for many years had those with OCD come along and clear and clean their homes. Both types were extreme in their habits and didn't really understand each other, but by the end of the show the hoarders homes were transformed.


With the OCD'ers I was amazed how many hours they spend every day constantly cleaning...and all those products they use. Don't think I'd feel comfortable visiting them in case I left fingerprints anywhere lol.

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I haven't watched it , but both have an illness imo...nothing more uncomfortable than being in the home of someone who is so obsessed that you can't relax, (believe me I know it!) but then being in a shit hole wouldn't be my choice other!  One thing that sticks in my mind is being at my older sister's a few years ago and staying over, I am v v careful and tread on egg shells in her place, however, I took a glass of water to bed and put it on the, (pine ffs!) bedside table, as you morning she came in the room and on seeing I hadn't put a coaster underneath it she went completely berrserk!


^^ From different documentaries I've seen over the years on both subjects those with a compulsion to constantly clean usually have an obsession about germs, not sure if that starts with something related to their past. With hoarders they all seem to have a psychological/emotional reason for why they started hoarding, either loss of a loved one, rejection, or in childhood lived in poverty and feel compelled to surround themselves with objects. There's a US series I've watched called Hoarders and listening to their stories of why/when it began is very moving at times.

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Baz:
I watch Hoarders as well YR , and yes , there is always something that underlies their problems .

I'm fascinated to learn their stories and how it has affected their lives. It's also interesting to see how much they struggle to let go of possesions they'll never use, and often don't even know they have some of them because they're buried so deep in all the clutter.

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Baz:
I'm watching it now ...and you're right Super , both ends of the scale have an illness . For example , the woman who spends 7/8 hours a day cleaning , and washes her floor 5 times a day ! Having said that NOTHING would drag me into that old guy's house !

When her kids were little my twin sis, (the other one!) used to wash her kitchen floor approx every 30 mins, (I'm not joking/exaggerating and it wasn't a small kitchen!) I'm 'the other sister'


The woman who cleans 8 hours a day, washes the floor every few hours, and cleans her windows every times it rains no matter how times many in a day must be shattered by the end of the day.


I certainly couldn't go in the house of the woman who is constantly using bottles of bleach, it would give me a headache and nausea, even her helpers were affected. She's become immune to it it seems. Why isn't she and the others concerned about all the chemicals they're spraying all around the house that they're breathing in, I'd be concerned about that.

Yellow Rose
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:
Originally Posted by Baz:
I watch Hoarders as well YR , and yes , there is always something that underlies their problems .

I'm fascinated to learn their stories and how it has affected their lives. It's also interesting to see how much they struggle to let go of possesions they'll never use, and often don't even know they have some of them because they're buried so deep in all the clutter.

How sad  

The idea of matching up these people seemed funny at first... but its not. 


I watched it late last night .For me it's a poor version of 'How Clean Is Your House'.When the guy had to leave his own house and go outside to breath because of that stupid woman mixing three different chemicals I was left wondering who needed the help more .

I preferred Aggie and the other woman ,at least they advised the owners of the house how to clean with everyday 'harmless' products like Lemon juice and baking soda.

I will be giving it a miss next week,the show was all over the place .


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