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I hope you're all going to be this vocal the next time there's a state visit. I agree with the hypocracy, the doubt, the crap that comes out of the Vatican, but this is an invited Head of State, just like the others. I don't recall this backlash when the Chinese Head of State came over. Which annoys people more, the religious or the political (financial) aspect?
I hope you're all going to be this vocal the next time there's a state visit. I agree with the hypocracy, the doubt, the crap that comes out of the Vatican, but this is an invited Head of State, just like the others. I don't recall this backlash when the Chinese Head of State came over. Which annoys people more, the religious or the political (financial) aspect?
No! You are probably consuming different parts of the media. I can remember a lot of bad feeling through various state visits. IMO there is no difference between religion and politics. The Pope definitely criticised our way of life.
Garage Joe
The headlines suggested that he regards the UK as an aggressive secular country. I'm buggered (been watching lotsa Geordie stuff on the tellybox) if I can tell how we are aggressively secular. It's a lazy attitude we fall into as we modernise. I don't find women, gays, contraception, or whatever offensive. If that's aggressive then I may be a banana.
Garage Joe
Well said, Joe.

Debate, in the Catholic church, has been completely closed down since the sixties. The men at the top read their books and write their papers, but no dissent is allowed anywhere.
They speak with quiet voices, but they have their bulldogs working on the side and the message is clear. Nothing is up for discussion.

Aggressive secularism is anything that speaks out against it.
Apologies! I've thought long n hard about posting this.... However when Mrs Joe and I were out on the bikes today we were puzzling over which celeb's voice he had. It's the sort of discussion we have when we are miles away from onlookers or listeners. I can now reveal that it was Smallhausen the limping Gestapo agent from .'allo 'allo! The actor concerned died a couple of weeks ago. RIP.
Garage Joe

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