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I don't agree with the Olympics coming here either, and all the money that will cost
TBF, London won the bid for the Olympics when things were at their peak financially in this country. Had it been known that a year later markets would start changing (starting with the housing market) which then led to a horrible recession, I think it would have been a different story.
 The fact that we are all paying towards it is no more than we do towards any State visit and we never seem to complain about that,
The fact that we don't complain, is because we can't. We're 'sat on' and called allsorts for trying to stick up for ourselves while others seem to ride rough shod over us.  Rexi mentioned a democracy. I sometimes wonder........
Exactly, everyone has different values

I find some of the comments in here a bit disrespectful, I know there has been a lot of controversy within the Catholic Church, but the CC has gotten me and my family through some difficult times.  To be fair I'm not in the slightest bit worried about the pope coming to visit, much like the Monarchy I think the Popes position is unnecessary and is costing people a lot of money for an out of date concept.  The cost Vatican alone could pay for world hunger, In my community the Parish is at the heart and everyone faith and beliefs revolve around that, obviously in all hierarchy's there is someone at the top, but must like both the Queen and the Pope they are getting million of pounds to sit on their arses and wave everyone in a while, when the money can be put towards worthwhile projects.
Which is great.  The Catholic Church has also been responsible for a whole heap of misery and collusion in abuse and death throughout the ages and continues to do so.

And that is the side of I completely don't agree with, sex before marriage, no contraception, homosexuality etc are things which I am completely against, so I feel as the Catholic generation of the 21st century we should work towards dragging our faith into the 21st century, have all these things accepted in the church, let priests get married.  

 I think not allowing priest to get married was what crippled the CC, I believe that on the whole  Gays men and Paedophiles went into the CC because it was a place they could a)get easy access to children without question, and B) not marry without being questioned by their family.  

Regards the CC helping the less fortunate, locally the Churches do as much as they can to help those less fortunate such as SVP and Church collections etc, ironically its those with the most money ie in the Vatican who have the most ability to help out which fail to. Like I say this is common place in most faults/religions, those at the bottom who have nothing give all they have but those at the top hardly give at all.
Gays men and Paedophiles went into the CC because it was a place they could a)get easy access to children without question, and B) not marry without being questioned by their family.
 It's not often I am speechless but did you really mean to post that?
Flippin eck Issy! My post above yours referred to RRs first paragraph.  I should've posted something in reply to this too
I have just reread it and I don't see anything wring with it, but you must be misinterpreting what I am trying say. Reiterate what you think I mean??

Gay men are not drawn towards paedophilia any more than straight men.   That is what your post implies.  And what the Catholic Church has explicitly said, funnily enough.
I have just reread it and I don't see anything wring with it, but you must be misinterpreting what I am trying say. Reiterate what you think I mean??
Gays men and Paedophiles went into the CC because it was a place they could a)get easy access to children without question, and B) not marry without being questioned by their family.

You have put gay men and paedophiles in the same sentence saying that they could get easy access to children in the catholic church. I read that as you saying that gay men wanted access to children. If that is not what you meant then can I respectfully ask that you rewrite it as it is coming across as VERY offensive as it stands.
Again Onetoo? 

I am not saying all priest are paedophiles, but its obvious paedophiles will go to a place where than can access children easily like a school, a hospital however, there are far more restrictions on these professions than in the Church- Thats why there is such a kick up with the Pope not implementing Security checks etc on potential priests.

For a staunch Catholic family who live by the teachings of the CC, and their turn happens to be gay, can you imagine how hard it would be for a man to come out to his family who do not believe in his sexuality? Say he gets to 29 or 30 and still has never had a girlfriend? The parents will begin to question, some may marry just to conform, and some will join the priesthood as there will be no question asked about them not having a girlfriend or getting married.

I don't who what you think I meant but the above is what I meant and I can't understand why you are so shocked.
Oh god I was not insinuating gay men were paedophiles nor insinuating what I have anything against gay men, a complete clichÃĐ I know but my best male friend is gay. That is completely not what I meant. I didn't mean to put them in the same sentence or correlate them in anyway. I completely apologise for any offence I may have cause but what I really meant is above
Thanks Crunchy, I think you just know I have terrible foot in mouth syndrome. Anyways, I might take another sabbatical from the forum, always seem to cause trouble on here Must head on to bed here, nighty night
Don't get upset RR. That's why i questioned you cos it seemed such an extreme thing to say. But you have explained what you meant. No offense taken. 
Believe me I suffer from the same syndrome at times.

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